Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's currently dry and partly sunny - what's the betting it won't last.
The first cuppa of the day has just been finished and after a spot of breakfast I'm off out to get the food in for the weekend's outings. That should leave the afternoon free for a bit of fresh air on the bike.
Friday? are you sure?


All at sea⛵
A question for @tom73 and Mrs tom73.

Please note I do not want to get into politics on this. I was shocked (understatement) to hear that a Politician thought he should be the one to "tirage" Covid patients in 2020. (Yes I have been watching the televised Inquiry).

Was he deluded? Are Consultants and Doctors in a better position to make those decisions?

Tirage is to draw or pull, trier is sort out.
Telling someone they are in charge of triage sounds more important than telling them to sort it out
Also you might feel better after you've been through triage rather than sorted.


Something called, IIRC , the sun has appeared. First outdoor exercise of note since Sunday with a 1.5 mile walk involving the Co-op and 2 pints of milk for £1.05. No new nectar price offer on them so hopefully that one plus one from Waitrose tomorrow with 50p off will be sufficient to last the next week given what's still on the fridge.
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I have a new term for reclaiming stuff from fly tips . It's "Going shopping for bargains !" Sadly my friend wanted to have a look where I picked up my lawnmower and all the ",bargains " had gone. All that was left was a plastic grass box for a Qualcast lawnmower and a peanut bird feeder. The two handled strimmer and leaf blower had been snapped up.
A bright, breezy and relatively mild day here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept well, the heffalumps have cleared off for another month, but I'm still a bit sore from the cramps. I slept in a bit, not as much as I'd have liked, because nothing gets you out of bed faster than a cat that decides to park itself on top of one's bladder...

Anyways, I have had a kitchen morning, the result of which being that the crock pot is locked and loaded with diced chicken breast and assorted other goodies. Used a bay leaf and sage from the garden. The house smells fabby. Kept some chicken back for Madam Lexi's tea - she didn't sample any this morning as she's outside, enjoying the sunshine after all that rain.

All that's left before I put on the kettle for luncheon is to remove the groceries from the boot of the car. It was too wild and wet here last night when I got back from Tesco, so I only dealt with the fridgeables.
Friend works for small water company and his job includes inspections/ Legionella testing / design etc. a few years ago he was at a food production facility on the South Coast. There was one line producing Ready Meals. The standard Waitrose meal was packaged as " Tesco Finest "

I don't buy ready meals :laugh:

I do have cat show friends who work in the food industry, and a lot of stuff is made on the same line. The only difference might be a tweak to the specification e.g. the thickness of a chocolate coating or how long a biscuit is baked for or the size of the potato that frozen chips are cut from or how much sugar and salt goes into something. Largely it's all much of a muchness except at the very cheap and very expensive ends of the spectrum.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I have a new term for reclaiming stuff from fly tips . It's "Going shopping for bargains !" Sadly my friend wanted to have a look where I picked up my lawnmower and all the ",bargains " had gone. All that was left was a plastic grass box for a Qualcast lawnmower and a peanut bird feeder. The two handled strimmer and leaf blower had been snapped up.

Before it got organised a few years ago our local dump was known as 'The Spares Dept'.
We once dumped some old carpets which was two loads for our van. When we took the second load up the first bit of carpet was already in a wheelbarrow heading back down the road. :ohmy:
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