Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Here is the weather report. It’s dry inside.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
£2 for a Min Spy?!?!?! Bloomin eck!!! :wacko:

I suggest you spend the vouchers on meat and poultry, as the quality of the produce is so much better. I really dig the organic chickens in Tesco, but they're pushing £20 a pop! Usually only a YS buy...


A small organic turkey: £150
A bit of organic lamb: £80
Some organic ham: £60



Leg End Member
Having won £1000 of vouchers last month I've spent the £700 (£701.10 actual spend) on coats for son no. 1, SWMBO and myself, gym gear for son no. 2, a new tri-suit and leggings for me with the remaining £300 being spent on nutrition products for son no. 2 for next year's racing. Oh, and some anti-pong spray for his cycling shoes xx(

I'm now onto the £300 chosen for an organic food shop. And am blanching at £12 for six organic mince pies :blink: . I'm not sure the £300 is going to go very far. I do live in Yorkshire ... :whistle:
Get the mince pies, but give instructions that they're to be eaten slowly. Say maybe half an hour at the minimum.
Never good to rush yer food anyway.


All at sea⛵
Good morning.

The bedsheets washed yesterday are approximately 46% dry.

"approximately 46% dry"

An oxymoron?

Do you use a moisture meter to test them?
Is there a DIN norm for defining the dryness or is it non wetness of items?
Is the same protocol used for all materials? 🤔


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Last organic turkey I had, around 25lb weight, cost me €20. And that were given more as a thank you than actual payment.

A few years since we had an organic turkey but the last one came straight from the farm and was still flapping it’s wings when it came in our door. Fortunately my wife had poacher brothers and was not fazed by really organic food.
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