Mundane News

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The last of the vegetable & noodle soup, then two slices of cheese on toast with worcestershire sauce for supper.

Arsenal have just been walloped 3-1 by West Ham in the League Cup.


All at sea⛵
When volunteering on The Welshpool and Llanfair preserved railway as a teenager I once spent two very happy weeks alone in the carriage shed, painting a carriage with a big pot of what was essentially all the leftovers mixed together. For those who may have visited the railway, this is why the 'mess coach' was mostly dark green for about a decade.

Bearing in mind what was poured into the big pot, dark green was probably the best possible outcome.

Useless extra information: I painted the buffer beam red, but several people of a certain mindset got quite uppity about this as "only locomotives have red buffer beams". Someone was upset enough to paint it black a few weeks later, which is why there are a couple of images of the carriage with a red buffer beam but most show it black.

My parents had a row about how my father didn't do much around the house TRUE.

Anyway, he decided to paint the front door that night. Morning revealed he had picked a pot of rich, dark burgundy paint
It was supposed to be green

We, the children, didn't say a word


All at sea⛵
Notification from the Employment Agency of a possible new job training young people in cabinet making, and they specifically want an occupational therapist.

It's in a small town in a valley on the upper Donau near the Bodensee and the Swiss border, but sufficiently distant that it's not too expensive and a region I've often wanted to live in.

Probably better paid than where I am...

Looked at the building and it looks really attractive. The whole town looks lovely; small enough to be doable, pleasant, but with all the amenities and transport links needed.


Be careful about the colour of the grass


Legendary Member
Were you the driver at the time?

It wasn't my fault. The tree stepped out in front of me.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Having won £1000 of vouchers last month I've spent the £700 (£701.10 actual spend) on coats for son no. 1, SWMBO and myself, gym gear for son no. 2, a new tri-suit and leggings for me with the remaining £300 being spent on nutrition products for son no. 2 for next year's racing. Oh, and some anti-pong spray for his cycling shoes xx(

I'm now onto the £300 chosen for an organic food shop. And am blanching at £12 for six organic mince pies :blink: . I'm not sure the £300 is going to go very far. I do live in Yorkshire ... :whistle:
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Legendary Member
Not a bad day overall - remarkably dry for Yorkshire, but that may be because I'm in York rather than Leeds. How anybody gets around in the city is beyond me thanks to the narrow streets and tourists/daytrippers everywhere. A most welcome late afternoon nap in the hotel room just what I needed and set me up for yet another storming performance by The Bug Club.

Now trying to decide whether to go to bed or to have another mug of hot chocolate (yes, I do bring a jar of Ovaltine Chocolate with me as the hotels only supply coffee or tea) as I don't need to be out of the room until 9am on Thursday.
Having won £1000 of vouchers last month I've spent the £700 (£701.10 actual spend) on coats for son no. 1, SWMBO and myself, gym gear for son no. 2, a new tri-suit and leggings for me with the remaining £300 being spent on nutrition products for son no. 2 for next year's racing. Oh, and some anti-pong spray for his cycling shoes xx(

I'm now onto the £300 chosen for an organic food shop. And am blanching at £12 for six organic mince pies :blink: . I'm not sure the £300 is going to go very far. I do live in Yorkshire ... :whistle:

£2 for a Min Spy?!?!?! Bloomin eck!!! :wacko:

I suggest you spend the vouchers on meat and poultry, as the quality of the produce is so much better. I really dig the organic chickens in Tesco, but they're pushing £20 a pop! Usually only a YS buy...
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