Mundane News

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Tonto how is Postman,Kemo Sabe. Tomorrow at one.


A notification has popped up telling me that I've been a member of Cyclechat for 5 years. That surprises me, it feels like an eternity 😉😁
Notification from the Employment Agency of a possible new job training young people in cabinet making, and they specifically want an occupational therapist.

It's in a small town in a valley on the upper Donau near the Bodensee and the Swiss border, but sufficiently distant that it's not too expensive and a region I've often wanted to live in.

Probably better paid than where I am...

Looked at the building and it looks really attractive. The whole town looks lovely; small enough to be doable, pleasant, but with all the amenities and transport links needed.



Vice Admiral
How long does a puppy (now twelve weeks old) need to be kept indoors? I presume the puppy needs to have jabs against various diseases. Does the Puppy, or should I call him Teddy, just need short walks when they are very young?

I have no knowledge of dogs at all. As my Father used to say, "They have a sharp end, a smelly end and a leg at each corner".


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Strange email from a relative I do not regularly keep contact with.
She asks me to do a favour and confirm I have received the email. The sending address is correct for her but the whole thing seems a bit odd.
Scam of some kind as her address could be cloned?
Dumped anyway and may try contact by a different means just to check.


Vice Admiral
Strange email from a relative I do not regularly keep contact with.
She asks me to do a favour and confirm I have received the email. The sending address is correct for her but the whole thing seems a bit odd.
Scam of some kind as her address could be cloned?
Dumped anyway and may try contact by a different means just to check.

Yes, these days you have to be extremely careful with unexpected calls/letters. If she genuinely sent the email, she will understand.

My guess would be that they hacked her email account. They then email everyone on her contact list and wait for someone to fall for their scam.

I nearly got caught out by a scam letter supposedly from my credit card company. It looked genuine, but was on flimsier paper than their normal paper.
A mild and currently rather soggy day here chez Casa Reynard, but it is meant to dry up for a time later.

Slept well, just the one trip to the little girls' room. treated myself in to another lie in as I just feel really tired and run down. I have had a quiet morning putting away laundry, doing some paperwork and sorting out a shopping list as I will need to go to Tesco later. I need bread, milk, butter, fruit and veg mainly, plus a few cupboard staples like cooking oil and sea salt and some cleaning products.

I will go at tea time so that I catch second reductions. That way, if I see something that I can use / is on my list, I'll buy it, but because the reductions aren't nowhere as good as finals, I'm not overly tempted. In the last couple of weeks I have taken six items out of the freezer; stewing beef, two lots of sausages, salmon fillets, some pork steaks, and yesterday, some chicken breasts. There is now an appreciable space in the freezer.

Gotta laugh, because it took me till October to start making good on my New Year's resolution... :laugh: Trouble is, this year's stickering has been really good, and I'm not going to turn my nose up at a good bargain. Anyways, I'll keep taking bits from the freezer, and by the time Christmas comes around, I should have some good space to shove a few bargainous festive items in there.

Aaaaaanyhoo, it is time for luncheon.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Strange email from a relative I do not regularly keep contact with.
She asks me to do a favour and confirm I have received the email. The sending address is correct for her but the whole thing seems a bit odd.
Scam of some kind as her address could be cloned?
Dumped anyway and may try contact by a different means just to check.

Sounds a bit iffy.. I'd make contact a different way and check it's not a scam of some sort.


We had some decent sun this morning.So out i went for a walk.Aldi to top up the tuck box,two bags of nuts two bars of dark chocolate,it seems dark choc is best.sadly kit kats and mint kit kats were both a walk later this week to Sainsbugs who do dark of both,oh oh oh dark mint heavenly.So then that Melton pork pie £1-99 it would feed two but there was nobody i knew,and it seemed a shame to waste it,so a takeout latte and to the park.that pie was wonderful and bigger and half the price than the cafe.Whats not to like.All in all a nice couple of hours.


Called into iceland for a few things on £3for3 and ended up locking horns with the person on the till. She said that £4.60 said no it 3for3 instead of going oh lets sort it out sort of thing. She got snotty from the start "it's not it's not come up" Asked her to look at the shelf ticket, It's not come up, so pointed out that knowing displaying a misleading price is an offence. "Not my job to change it" Do you want my supervisor , no just look at the ticket. Ended in her looking then coming back with her supervisor who voided the whole thing then back though with discount. They had no idea what had come off offer as unless so and so is in they can't get into the back office for new the tickets. :crazy:
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