Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather started off today pretty foul but then wind changed to SW and a sunny spell. Did not last and now back to what it was before.
Calmac backtracked on warnings and another text saying service was normal.
Interesting email from another sister in law who had been nurse in charge of heart transplant ward at QE Hospital in Glasgow. She gave me more interesting insight into my medical problems than the consultants. They seemed more concerned with getting students in to listen to my “ interesting” heartbeat.
They are going to Lewis on family business next week and she is stocking up on anti seasickness pills.
A relative there in Stornoway makes the best black puddings so they will stock up on site.


My work computer has crashed.

Mine went weird when it shut down. Power button would not go out for ages and would not respond. Could be interesting tomorrow.

First half of the afternoon was work visits and the car had to crawl through two sections of flooded roads. One being on the route of the Way of the Roses. Wasn't expecting to see any cyclists but then once I got south of Ripley three seen.


Called into iceland for a few things on £3for3 and ended up locking horns with the person on the till. She said that £4.60 said no it 3for3 instead of going oh lets sort it out sort of thing. She got snotty from the start "it's not it's not come up" Asked her to look at the shelf ticket, It's not come up, so pointed out that knowing displaying a misleading price is an offence. "Not my job to change it" Do you want my supervisor , no just look at the ticket. Ended in her looking then coming back with her supervisor who voided the whole thing then back though with discount. They had no idea what had come off offer as unless so and so is in they can't get into the back office for new the tickets. :crazy:

Asda got me on Sunday, they have been giving £1.50 cashback via their mobile app on large Toblerone. Still marked on the shelf but it the offer had expired on the app.


Asda got me on Sunday, they have been giving £1.50 cashback via their mobile app on large Toblerone. Still marked on the shelf but it the offer had expired on the app.

Electronic shelf markers remove this sort of thing all pricers update automatically centrally. Remember being brief about it and seeing it in action at a trial coop store. It updated via invisible to the eye flickering of the store lights that transmitted the information to the shelf markers. Saved so much staff time. The other thing handy about it was it linked to stock control systems automatically showing live data of shelf stock levels. Again cutting staff time and massively improving stock control and avoiding empty shelves.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Strange email from a relative I do not regularly keep contact with.
She asks me to do a favour and confirm I have received the email. The sending address is correct for her but the whole thing seems a bit odd.
Scam of some kind as her address could be cloned?
Dumped anyway and may try contact by a different means just to check.

Subsequent checking shows it was a scam and was sent to all on her address file. A second one was sent to some but I did not get that.
No idea what it leads on to but just shows you have to be constantly vigilant.


Just back from Poole where we celebrated a friends 80th birthday. Finished off with a G+T and am now tucking into the box of Celebrations we purchased for the Trick or Treaters/
Had tinned potatoes for the first time today, couldn't tell the difference





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