Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another bright sunny day with still a cold wind.
Should get out triking but not decided where yet. Depends on height of the sun, too low is dangerous as drivers may be dazzled.
I do have an off road route in mind where I have not been for few years but it is not possible to do a circuit as I used to due to an impassible gate for the trike and a section which would be unrideable.
Still, an out and back on same route should be ok unless I meet a forestry vehicle which would be problem getting past. Walking there last week there was one car and trailer on the roadway near the start.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it only took me 5 attempts to log into and be recognised by the office computer this morning. As I'm only here for today and then not back until the 14th, there's a fair bit needed to do before I finish due to an ongoing case - the only problem is that I need access to a secure store and there's only one key available and it's out with another team who may or may not be where the secure store is!

Other than that, a lovely morning for the ride in - chilly but sunny with light winds - and I arrived to find a load of cake/treats due to someone in the office having a birthday.


Hong Kong



All at sea⛵
On the train to fetch Hercules 2 from the bike hospital.
They think he's fit to discharge. Sunny day for the ride home anyway
Mild-ish here chez Casa Reynard, and it rained overnight / early doors. Currently sunny, but showers forecast.

Slept well enough, but that was rather interrupted by the need to get up and use the loo multiple times. Ah well, hey ho. I treated myself to a bit of a lie in after yesterday's early start. A load of laundry has been done, as has some paperwork, and I've taken some chicken out of the freezer with a view to making a nice casserole to go alongside some clapshot. Fortunately this time, because there is a bit of space in the freezer, I didn't have to play tetris, and nothing fell out of its own accord.

This afternoon's tasks are dependent on the weather. I *do* need to top up the wood bins in the house, but if the forecast showers are a miss rather than a hit, I plan on clearing up the now very manky tomato plants and maybe cutting up some firewood from the stash of timber along the fence. It's dry there because of the hedge, whereas all the other sources of firewood are currently a bit soggy.

One plan, once I get a break in the weather, is to haul in a load of stuff and leave it along the fence to dry out.

Anyways, it's looking rather dark outside. I'd better call Madam Lexi in, check if there's any post (I'm awaiting a parcel with some stock car magazines), and then put the kettle on, as it is just about time for luncheon.
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