Mundane News

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Leg End Member
I hate changing the time on the car clock. Years ago when my car had a mechanical clock it never seemed to show the correct time no matter how often you corrected it. Now we have digital clocks in cars, they still only show the correct time for a short while.
I don't bother to change the clock in the car.
I don't have a car.

I do however have a car clock, that doesn't require me changing the time.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear

Ah yes, I'd forgotten those jars with the cling film over the top.


All at sea⛵
And in the Spring the weather is improving. Changing the clocks isn't great for our bodies either. It takes weeks to get back to normal. It's relatively easy to get up earlier in the morning, you don't need to change clocks to do that.

right on man! :cheers::hyper::wahhey::dance:

wutcha gonna do now? take up fishing?

Bit radical! Good luck
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I hate changing the time on the car clock. Years ago when my car had a mechanical clock it never seemed to show the correct time no matter how often you corrected it. Now we have digital clocks in cars, they still only show the correct time for a short while.

I remember not so long ago multiple bikes with multiple Cateye computers on their handlebars, it was a complete chore having to change the time on each of them twice a year. After a while I got lazy and left them, gmt for the bikes mostly used in winter and bst for the summer bikes. I’m lazier still now and only have bells and lights on my bars.
I spent an enjoyable 40 mins this afternoon listening to Patrick Grant (Great British Sewing Bee) on Desert Island Discs. Quite a story, very sad at times. I admire his outfits but his choice of music somewhat less so !


Leg End Member
And in the Spring the weather is improving. Changing the clocks isn't great for our bodies either. It takes weeks to get back to normal. It's relatively easy to get up earlier in the morning, you don't need to change clocks to do that.
Not always, in the UK at least. It's not uncommon to have snow in March.

How easy would it be to get people to go to work an hour earlier, or kid's to school?


Leg End Member
I remember not so long ago multiple bikes with multiple Cateye computers on their handlebars, it was a complete chore having to change the time on each of them twice a year. After a while I got lazy and left them, gmt for the bikes mostly used in winter and bst for the summer bikes. I’m lazier still now and only have bells and lights on my bars.
Wot, no whistle's!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Carnivorous plants? I think pitcher plants or sundew would probably be the best. I bury the pots in a larger container filled with sphagnum moss & water with rainwater, tap water will kill them.

Alternatively, fly paper, as you're using, is pretty good, but they do breed quickly.

When I was a student many years ago we used fruit flies in genetic experiments as they bred quickly and thus no time wasted waiting on results the same week.
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