Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely sunny day but still a bitterly cold wind.
Ferries in chaos and Calmac seemed initially to give the impression that the public electricity system was down causing the linkspan to fail. This seems not to be the case.
The pier and linkspan at Craignure is owned by Argyll & Bute Council and it took about 4 hours to get an engineer on site. Meanwhile at least one ferry was jilling about with vehicles and passengers on board waiting to dock. Eventually a temporary fix was in place and they managed to get unloaded and then off again.
About an hour ago the problem was sorted and what passes for normal service resumed. We hope.

Made a loaf and as an experiment put a couple of spoons of Horlicks in. Not a good idea as it rose a bit but when cooked was still wet and mushy inside. Chopped up and drying it out in the Remoska I hope.


Legendary Member
I decided to go for a walk on the beach before sundown as it had dried up at last. Lovely evening, lovely lighting although my camera phone doesn't capture it all that well. It was cold though, I was glad I had brought a scarf. 🧣

I found a phone on top of the sand dunes, and thankfully I was able to return it to a very distressed dog walker who was retracing her steps. Good deed for the day done. Not sure what I would have done with it if I hadn't found her.



Normally Menu > Source and then a list of the inputs to choose from.

If only, eventually found it. Good job I have a programmable remote with a very tweakable web based interface so I can do it with one button push. Now to pluck up courage to see how to see the VCRs and firestick but first a 10km equivalent spin on the indoor bike like thing watching something on YouTube.


Legendary Member
Not a bad day in the end. Got the bedding changed, including swapping the 7 tog duvet for 2 x 4.5 ones for extra warmth and stuck the sheets, pillowcases & duvet cover in the wash while I popped out for some bits for later in the week. Then it was the vacuuming, putting the washing on the clothes horse and mopping the kitchen floor. This gave me the perfect excuse to go out for another couple of hours while the kitchen floor dried - a slow ride on the folding bike while catching upon a couple of Smith & Sniff podcast episodes.

Tuesday is my one day at work this week.
A mixed bag of a day here chez Casa Reynard.

Up early to take the parental for her flu jab. Turns out they were doing both flu and covid, so she got both. I was booked in as well, but the receptionist told me to take a hike and wouldn't let me in despite what the nurses said to the parental. Told the woman to stick it and walked out. Mum at least is sorted, but I shall have to try and get some jabs elsewhere. There is a little walk-in clinic just around the corner, so I shall see what they can do for me. Thing is, if I'm ill, mum's f*cked.

After a much-needed :cuppa: I toddled off to the playing fields in the village to meet up with a friend and her dogs for a nice walk. We got lucky, as it was lovely and sunny and rather mild. It was so nice to chinwag and put the world to rights. On the way home, I stopped off at the community orchard and picked a basket of medlars. I don't like them, but mum does. Had to be so careful as loads of insects (mainly ladybirds, but a few other species too) were hiding in the calyx of the fruit. I shook most of them out, but I had to pull over on the way home and throw a handful of bugs out of the car, as they were crawling out of the basket and all over the steering wheel!

Had planned on puttering about in the garden this afternoon, but it absolutely hosed it down over lunch, and as a result, it was just too wet outside to do anything constructive. Ergo I spent the afternoon continuing to catalogue the photos in my archive.

Had vegetable & noodle soup and a bacon & mushroom omelette with toast for supper. And I can highly recommend the "Woodside Farms" back bacon from Tesco. It's very nice. Only it it's not actually back bacon, it's middle bacon - a cheaper and less desirable cut. But this was top notch despite only being £1.50 for a 300g pack. Hardly gave up any moisture when cooking and just very nice, far better than some of the spendier packets.

Now just going to light the fire and spend the rest of the evening chilling.
Despite 1987 / FF2000 being the thinnest segment in my archive by quite some margin, I have still managed to find, scan where needed, and catalogue 24 photos of Paul from that year. That's significantly more than what I thought I had.

I have yet to scan a photo that's in a book on one of the shelves in my bedroom, and I've no idea what a furkle through that stack of Motoring Newses will turn up, as it's been a while since I looked through those. There is also a small batch of photos from 1987 that my bookseller bestie has set aside for me, but I've asked him to hold onto them until I've got on top of the backlog of stuff here.
Good morning.

It's chilly; I needed the Big Pullover today.

Time for a cup of tea.
I bought an old Lion comic annual from 1959 on the bay. I recognised the cover picture of my brother's annual from when I was young . It arrived on Saturday. I was amazed when flicking through the pages how I could remember the stories. The Lion comic had Paddy Payne a WW2 fighter pilot. Another comic had Roy of the Rovers , a footballer. One comic seemed to feature the Royal Navy. That used to terrify me when they showed sailors standing out on the masts of a tall sailing ship. You wouldn't get me up there !
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