Mundane News

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Is anyone going Treacle Tritting tonight ?

It's not that new a thing though it's an American import. It most likely has it's roots in the Tudor Christmas tradition of mumming. That has both masked costumes and treating them to food and them playing tricks on households.
Mumming like most of the 12 days of Christmas never recovered from Cromwell and the puritans war on Christmas.
House to house has all but died out It's still lives on via masked folk plays in parts of Uk and Ireland
Had a lovely luncheon of a sandwich with Polish sausage, cheddar & chutney, plus a pear, an apple and two :cuppa:

It rained while I was eating, so the plan to clear up the tomato plants went out of the window. However, I did move a load of dry wood from the fence to the utility room porch and saw it up under cover. That wood is now stashed in the garage, out of the weather. Swept up all the sawdust and dumped it in the green wheelie bin.

Now just chilling with a :cuppa: and a chocolate & caramel biskit.

Going to sit back with a TV dinner and watch the Lionesses play Belgium. The parental and I support the same club side, but when it comes to international footy, our support diverges. Tonight, we are most definitely in opposite ends of the ground LOL!
Well I've made a dent in the fly tip! I have picked up the Honda powered Flymo. I turned the blade over and it goes through the 4 stroke cycle . Compression , slack , compression . What doesn't seem to work is the recoil starter, it turns but then is solid . It might be the previous owner assumed that it had seized and dumped it .
If I can get it working it might make a good basis for my Flymo push beach buggy ! It should easily glide over sandy beaches with ease with a child on board ! :whistle:


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
"After ten years or more living in a very nice town house with our horses ten km away here in the Lot, we have finally " bitten the bullet" and bought a very beautiful farm house with barns and cattle buildings plus 16 or 17 hectares of mixed forest and grassland. The whole thing is exciting and scary at one and the same time. Just for the record , this is the house : needs a bit of TLC and l can't wait to get stuck in

View attachment 711694

That's my dream, right there.

Sadly, no longer attainable.

Still, the "blue" passport makes up for it.


sailors standing out on the masts of a tall sailing ship. You wouldn't get me up there !
Back in the late sixties, my brother was an instructor at HMS Ganges training establishment.
We went to an open day at which they held the mast manning ceremony. Not for love nor money would you ever get me up to the very top of said mast as the 'button boy' who stood on the button; about 45cm. diameter with nothing but a bent hoop of steel to grip between his legs - ! :eek:
As a reward, the button boy didn't have to strip and stow his bed in the normal manner each morning, just make his bed for that week - ! ^_^
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I'm watching Thunderbirds. It's only 58 years old !


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way

Deleted member 1258

Back in the late sixties, my brother was an instructor at HMS Ganges training establishment.
We went to an open day at which they held the mast manning ceremony. Not for love nor money would you ever get me up to the very top of said mast as the 'button boy' who stood on the button; about 45cm. diameter with nothing but a bent hoop of steel to grip between his legs - ! :eek:
As a reward, the button boy didn't have to strip and stow his bed in the normal manner each morning, just make his bed for that week - ! ^_^

I was at Ganges in 1968, did my time in the annex, 6 weeks if I remember right, then was moved to HMS ST Vincent, part of a group that was considered to old to continue at Ganges, we were 16 year old boy sailors.


Leg End Member
It's not that new a thing though it's an American import. It most likely has it's roots in the Tudor Christmas tradition of mumming. That has both masked costumes and treating them to food and them playing tricks on households.
Mumming like most of the 12 days of Christmas never recovered from Cromwell and the puritans war on Christmas.
House to house has all but died out It's still lives on via masked folk plays in parts of Uk and Ireland
Would you be thinking of hunting the wren, the Wren Boys on St. Stephen's Day?


Legendary Member
I really must remember that my body isn't the young one my mind thinks it is when offering to help out at work. Moving, lifting & sorting the contents of 30kg cartons USED to be easier I'm sure of it. I don't envy my colleagues the next couple of days work finishing the job off, although it will be a very high value detention of counterfeit clothing when they're done.

As for me - I'm off to York tomorrow to see The Bug Club (again) at the Crescent arriving in plenty of time for a quick trip round the NRM and then a pub lunch somewhere before booking into the hotel.
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