Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Will let you know the spec. when l give it the once over. l'm not allowed to play with toys at the moment there is the little matter of moving contents of our current house :whistle:

I've been googling! 43 HP so similar size to the Coventry-built 135 but it's a four cylinder engine rather than a 3 cylinder Perkins. They weren't as easy to start in cold weather as the Perkins engines fitted to UK MFs. You do have the advantage of an 8 speed gearbox whereas the 135 had only 6. It might even have synchromesh on some gears, something Coventry-built MFs never got.

French-built MFs were never as sought after or as valuable as the Coventry tractors around here. They were better specced with a better gearbox, tweaked hydraulics, etc but people said they weren't as durable. I think a lot is do with maintenance regimes and driver sympathy. I know someone who clocked up over 20,000 hours on a French-built 590 without problems.
I've been googling! 43 HP so similar size to the Coventry-built 135 but it's a four cylinder engine rather than a 3 cylinder Perkins. They weren't as easy to start in cold weather as the Perkins engines fitted to UK MFs. You do have the advantage of an 8 speed gearbox whereas the 135 had only 6. It might even have synchromesh on some gears, something Coventry-built MFs never got.

French-built MFs were never as sought after or as valuable as the Coventry tractors around here. They were better specced with a better gearbox, tweaked hydraulics, etc but people said they weren't as durable. I think a lot is do with maintenance regimes and driver sympathy. I know someone who clocked up over 20,000 hours on a French-built 590 without problems.

Thanks for that info. l just checked spares availability here in France and there seems to be no problem. It won't have much work to do, mainly topping the pastures but l will keep my eyes open for a reasonable trailer for shifting hay etc.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Hope you had a good time - I gave Timothy a good shout as he came by (I was down towards the bottom of the final ramp for the most part, before heading up to the chaos for the last few starters.)

Thanks - he had a chain drop on the first corner so wasn't happy but appreciated the very loud support.

Oh, and this is his look afterwards should anyone want to enter next year's up Prospect Hill in Northumberland:

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Legendary Member
I've made some modifications to my work desk in the interests of greater comfort.

Now time to brave rain to walk to the supermarket for some shopping.


The sandwich meat I'd used to make sandwiches at my sister's home over the weekend which had a use-by date for the start of October had in fact been in the freezer in the intervening weeks.

My sister let me know less than an hour ago, however I suspect if the meat had gone off I would know by now!


Excel's random trick of the day is changing the formatting of cell borders without warning.

I'm certain Word last week was inserting rather than replacing grammar errors.

Rain, rain and more rain it seems today. New TV arrived and after a struggle fitted to the table top mount I bought last week. Thought I had the verticals nice and neatly fitted to the TV only to find when the main bulk of the stand was fitted in place it obscured the mains socket and one of the hdmi ports. Puzzle is why do TVs today only have 2 hdmi ports. My 13 year old one had 4 plus a Scart.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
About 19 extra accidents per day averaged over two weeks following the change, though they do acknowledge that worsening weather at this time of year is almost certainly a factor. Conversely the accident rate decreases when they put the clocks forward in the spring.

And in the Spring the weather is improving. Changing the clocks isn't great for our bodies either. It takes weeks to get back to normal. It's relatively easy to get up earlier in the morning, you don't need to change clocks to do that.
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