Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Dry day so far but still a cold northerly wind.
Rain is forecast for every day just now but it never seeems to reach us.
Nothing planned but will spend at least half an hour trying to reset the clock in my car with the aid of the vehicle handbook. Since I am often heading for ferries which do not wait accurate time can be important to me.

I notice it looked like a full moon last night. It is widely accepted that a full moon affects many people so I wonder if the rise in accidents has a connection with a full moon and nothing to do with the time change.
When my wife was a teacher she always maintained that pupils got more restless at a full moon.
Another example is county councillor we knew who kept a record of complaints he got from the public. He said there was a definite rise up to a full moon and then a lull till the next one.
Hunter's Moon last night.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Extended the caravan season until January. We're planning clearing it out over the next two months. Come to the end of our license and only choice is an upgrade to a new van (upgrade is a bit subjective as the new vans aren't as nice). We've had a guy come round for valuation (they get shipped to Poland for resale as UK market doesn't do vans over 20 years). Not expecting much.

Bikes loaded back on car to come home for winter. We've asked the site to price up a newer van, but it's alot of money plus over £4500 a year in ground rent, insurance etc, and maybe it's time we explored England bit more. Wife loves swimming in the sea every weekend, but she can do that elsewhere.

Its 50/50 at the minute, but the expense and commitment is the issue. You can do alot with that money. If we do leave, the plan is a van or micro camper/day van in the next couple of years.

Next job, tidy the garage to receive 3 more bikes, helmets, rucksacks and a load of camping gear.


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Went to Lidl for some bits on Friday evening, an as I had some coupons I'd thought I'd use those up, thus buying stuff I didn't actually need at that point in time.

Scanned the app at the till.

Coupons didn't register. Yes, they were activated.

Rang their customer services yesterday, a very apologetic lady reset my coupons and gave me a £5 money off voucher.

Went again today, spent a lot more money on stuff we did need, some of which I also had coupons for.

Scanned the app at the till.

Coupons didn't register, again, including the £5 off one. Yes, they were activated.

Rang them again. They haven't got a clue what's happening.

Think I won't bother going again.
"After ten years or more living in a very nice town house with our horses ten km away here in the Lot, we have finally " bitten the bullet" and bought a very beautiful farm house with barns and cattle buildings plus 16 or 17 hectares of mixed forest and grassland. The whole thing is exciting and scary at one and the same time. Just for the record , this is the house : needs a bit of TLC and l can't wait to get stuck in



Mrs Tenkaykev and I volunteered at Upton House junior parkrun this morning. We both jogged down, rain not due to start until 10:00 giving us time to get home afterwards. It persisted down and we both got soaked to the skin. Despite the weather there were over 90 youngsters braving the elements 🌧️🌧️🌧️


Leg End Member
"After ten years or more living in a very nice town house with our horses ten km away here in the Lot, we have finally " bitten the bullet" and bought a very beautiful farm house with barns and cattle buildings plus 16 or 17 hectares of mixed forest and grassland. The whole thing is exciting and scary at one and the same time. Just for the record , this is the house : needs a bit of TLC and l can't wait to get stuck in

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Just think how many bikes you'd be able to get in that shed on the left of the picture.
Mild, grey and very drizzly here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept ok-ish, just not as deeply as I'd have liked. Had planned on hauling wood today as it was *SUPPOSED* to be dry after some overnight rain, but that's not been the case. Looks like the rain must've been waiting for a rail replacement bus or something. Ergo after having re-stocked the firewood bins in the house, I shall do some more work on my photograph database.

I acquired two new photos today, one from 1981 and one from a Ministox-only race meeting that was televised. I was given an article about the televised meeting earlier this year by a friend who found it in his archive of stock car stuff, and it's nice to have a photo to go along with it. I love it when things just come together like that.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon, and a certain Madam wants her chicken.
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