Mundane News

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Had a lovely luncheon of a nice chunk of melton mowbray pork pie, two slices of toast, one with the last of the corned beef, one with the pan scrapings from yesterday's apple butter making, plus an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

The rain stopped while I was eating my lunch, but as everything was sopping wet, instead of hauling wood, I cleared up what the parental unit had cut and stacked under the utility room porch. That's all now in the garage and sorted out by size. I also sorted the contents of the trailer, so I now have an empty trailer ready for the next lot of firewood.

On closer inspection, the photo of Derek & Paul I was given is definitely from 1982 and not 1981. The race number on the Toleman in the picture (only partially visible) is 35, which was the number that Brian Henton ran in 1981, while Derek ran #36. The font isn't quite the same either. Also, the roll hoop is a different construction. Oh, the things you overlook just having a casual glance, although in my defence, I was ogling the blokes, and NOT the car... :laugh: :whistle: :crazy:

Time for a nice :cuppa: before getting supper ready to eat while listening to the F1 from Mexico.
I remember when I was about 5 years old helping my father lay out apples on trays which were kept overwinter in a cool place. I think they were wrapped in tissue paper but not sure on that point. It was important that they did not touch each other in the trays. No idea about variety tho'.

I store mine in my unheated hallway spread out on newspaper in those stackable cardboard trays that Tesco display their vegetables in. They leave the unwanted ones by the checkouts for people to take away if they so wish.
"After ten years or more living in a very nice town house with our horses ten km away here in the Lot, we have finally " bitten the bullet" and bought a very beautiful farm house with barns and cattle buildings plus 16 or 17 hectares of mixed forest and grassland. The whole thing is exciting and scary at one and the same time. Just for the record , this is the house : needs a bit of TLC and l can't wait to get stuck in

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I think you'll end up getting very familiar with a chainsaw ;)

P.S. Is that a fig tree in the background, to the left of the stairs?


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The first local back garden firework display of the season has just finished.
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