Mundane News

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Owing to a pocket malfunction, I had to retrieve my car keys from deep, inside the lining on my tracksuit bottoms.:angry:

I feel your pain.


Legendary Member
Maybe true but it's a sad fact the road accident rate always shoots up with putting the clocks back. Not sure the reasoning that it benefits farmers stands up any longer given how many carry out farm work in the dark evenings, farm yards floodlit and powerful lights on tractors.

Thing is now we are on 'proper time' or as it is known GMT when the clocks change in the spring to 'summertime' or 'daylight saving time' that is artificial a fact not really noticed by many
To paraphrase you know who, "Time is an illusion, albeit a persistent one":wacko:


Thing is now we are on 'proper time' or as it is known GMT when the clocks change in the spring to 'summertime' or 'daylight saving time' that is artificial a fact not really noticed by many

I know that but for modern life and climate change keeping on BST surely would be better. The lighter GMT mornings are not that beneficial to many compared to longer afternoon daylight from BST. It would be interesting to see if anyone does an electric consumption comparison between last week and this week. I would think with everyone having to put lights on earlier in the afternoon there will be a massive uplift in consumption.
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