Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Sun's shining. Dog's about to be walked. Not too far this morning as were meeting friends & their dog at a local field so that the dogs can run free while we eat cake 👍


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Yes. But I couldn't do that with these tomatoes as they were overripe / split from the excess rain. In any case, no one here eats preserved whole tomatoes (the last lot ended up in the bin after my late father insisted I make some) and dried apple rings get very boring very quickly.

The apples I have in are storing varieties, so should last me through the winter. If I see some that need using, then I'll make something with them.

I remember when I was about 5 years old helping my father lay out apples on trays which were kept overwinter in a cool place. I think they were wrapped in tissue paper but not sure on that point. It was important that they did not touch each other in the trays. No idea about variety tho'.


Leg End Member
No thanks
Okay, just turn your telly off.
Sundials will now show the correct time as well. If we had any sun!
You don't want much, the sun, the moon the stars...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry day so far but still a cold northerly wind.
Rain is forecast for every day just now but it never seeems to reach us.
Nothing planned but will spend at least half an hour trying to reset the clock in my car with the aid of the vehicle handbook. Since I am often heading for ferries which do not wait accurate time can be important to me.

I notice it looked like a full moon last night. It is widely accepted that a full moon affects many people so I wonder if the rise in accidents has a connection with a full moon and nothing to do with the time change.
When my wife was a teacher she always maintained that pupils got more restless at a full moon.
Another example is county councillor we knew who kept a record of complaints he got from the public. He said there was a definite rise up to a full moon and then a lull till the next one.


Legendary Member
To paraphrase you know who, "Time is an illusion, albeit a persistent one":wacko:
I prefer the Douglas Adams version - Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Why is there always one clock that gets missed when doing the BST/GMT or GMT/BST changes? This time it was the display on the landline handset that was still showing the wrong time when I looked earlier.


I prefer the Douglas Adams version - Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Why is there always one clock that gets missed when doing the BST/GMT or GMT/BST changes? This time it was the display on the landline handset that was still showing the wrong time when I looked earlier.

Only in theory have five to change. Boiler, digital thermostat, one clock, the car and a watch. Never bother setting the time of the oven and microwave and rest should be automatic. However, have one time signal clock that ever since the Brexit vote has not readily corrected itself. Wil see if it's changed by early afternoon.
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