Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Mine is the same, then changes randomly to the wrong time - it's GPS linked, but since the GPS updates a few years ago, it only stays on the UK time for a while, then seems to pick up Europe and is an hour out again.

I would have changed it but for some reason it won't respond to the reset button.

In my 205, the analogue clock happily did its thing for 23 years, and then for some inexplicable reason, the minute hand decided to catch on the head of a small screw on the clock face so it permanently read half-past two. I could never be bothered to dismantle the dashboard and open the instrument binnacle to re-position the hand. I just learnt to live without a clock.


Leg End Member
Our evening meal was had in a restaurant where everyone was connected with tomorrow's national hillclimb (Luigi's in Ambleside for reference) - either riding or as support.

Son no. 2, who is riding, did not get a dessert :mrpig:
You pinched and ate his desert!


Miss P is in Edinburgh with pals today she has been to the seaside Portobello and she had blue skies.Sadly her beautiful Doc Marten boots have given up the ghost after many years of loyal service.Which is quite fortuitous because in this house is one of her xmas gifts a pair of said same boots.Guess what they are not a xmas present anymore,she needs them.


Miss P is in Edinburgh with pals today she has been to the seaside Portobello and she had blue skies.Sadly her beautiful Doc Marten boots have given up the ghost after many years of loyal service.Which is quite fortuitous because in this house is one of her xmas gifts a pair of said same boots.Guess what they are not a xmas present anymore,she needs them.

Our daughter lives in Porty and we visit often. Sad to see the demise of the Dalriada, a lovely pub which was the endpoint of my 70 mile bike ride from Bowling Basin. It's become more " hipster " recently. On our last visit we saw a guy with a sleeve tattoo and a man bun pushing his Brommie along the high street 😮
Ever tried preserving whole tomato’s or drying out apples for use later?

Yes. But I couldn't do that with these tomatoes as they were overripe / split from the excess rain. In any case, no one here eats preserved whole tomatoes (the last lot ended up in the bin after my late father insisted I make some) and dried apple rings get very boring very quickly.

The apples I have in are storing varieties, so should last me through the winter. If I see some that need using, then I'll make something with them.


Legendary Member
Quite a nice warm(ish) sunny day with nothing urgent to do so I was able to get out for a few hours this afetrnoon, making sure that I got through Ipswich before it got too busy with football traffic & pedestrians everywhere. True to recent form however, there's been quite a bit more rain this evening. Most of the really heavy stuff passed to the west, but it's still very wet out there.
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Legendary Member
The main commuter bike has been made roadworthy again. Despite my pessimism this morning I managed to spot a minute piece of flint in the tyre tread and patched the puncture at the corresponding point in the tube.

Formula 1 Qualifying done - who knows what the actual order will be. Time to wander round the house and put all the manually adjustable clocks onto GMT ready for the morning.


All at sea⛵
I can see that, but there isn't an sudden spike in plane, rail, or canal boat fatalities when clocks change.

It is also about the relative numbers and individuals interactions in the set of activities.
For example, in the case of canal boat incidents. There are so few incidents and a small population.
So any changes are not detectable and lost in the background noise in the community.
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