Mundane News

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Biggest bunch of snobs I've ever come across!
I joined a group trying to find some information about my bike . As mine seems to be a bit of a mongrel and doesn't fit in with their pure bred made to measure bikes it's treated a bit like Cinderella by the Ugly Sisters ! Well all I can say is that they have a bike made to measure for someone else and not for them ! :angry:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I took a seeded sourdough loaf, a flask of coffee, and three bottles of lime and chilli chutney over to the stables where my daughter was watching over granddaughter's bareback jumping competition. Granddaughter did grand and came away with a very red first prize rosette. Or should that be rougette?

Then back to my daughter's, where the coffee got finished off, and my younger granddaughter showed me the toys she bought with the voucher I gave her last week.

From there to my mother's to deliver Sauerkraut (she'd expressed a hankering), sort out her shower, and read her mail for her.

I now consider it time for a well deserved nap.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with corned beef & chutney, and the other with sliced avocado, plus a couple of crackers with an individual portion of Ilkeston Cheddar that I had left over from Saturday. I also had a pear, an apple and two :cuppa:

Have had some kitchen time this afternoon. Dealt with the pork for an upcoming Thai-style curry - I'd already defrosted it, so cut it into shreds and browned it off. Added a spoon of red curry paste to the pan (after removing the meat), fried it off in the dripping, and then deglazed the pan, pouring the whole lot over the meat. That's now in the fridge, ready to use over the weekend.

Also used the pastry scraps left from the apple pie and salmon en croute to make a tray of pesto & parmesan pinwheels. :hungry: I have just taken those out of the oven. Have to say, the house smells fabulous.

Just taking a quick break, then I've got to get some gubbins from the utility room (yoghurt, cheese, onions, a bread and a magazine that I picked up for a friend. I've also got to re-stock the wood bins in the house. Then I'll pop round said friend's with her magazine, a slice of apple pie and a pack of bin liners that I was given but don't need. She volunteers in a charity shop, so they'll be put to good use instead of sitting there gathering dust in my garage.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just read that Islay Bikes is about to close once they've sold existing stock. That's a big shame because they made quality children's bikes and changed the market completely.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looking after grandaughter so an early bus ride to daughters. As it was before 09:30 our bus passes were invalid so we used the " Tap on, Tap off " system. The tooth fairy had paid our granddaughter a visit so we did a tour of the charity shops and came away with a reversible Octopus soft toy.

It may be an island thing but the last time I used a bus my pass was accepted well before 0930.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A shower of rain mid morning but dried up by lunchtime.
No excuse so got out and sorted my weedy border. It is not perfect as I was taught but will have to do.
A most unpleasant job as the wind chill made it feel pretty cold and my hands were feeling frozen.

There must be a lot of traffic on the ferries still as Calmac are putting on another run with a larger spare boat tomorrow.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are market days in Oban so lots of farm traffic on those days makes it very busy. These are days I generally try to avoid. Friday has nothing special usually but extra touroid traffic perhaps.
I just read that Islay Bikes is about to close once they've sold existing stock. That's a big shame because they made quality children's bikes and changed the market completely.

Isla bikes, you mean.

If that's true, then it's another pain in the arse for us shorter riders, as there's not much out there that's really decent quality in terms of smaller frames as it is. Wiggins bikes are no longer made either.
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