Mundane News

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Leg End Member
here looking for distraction again
Had a quick check round, o think I've found it for you.
Cool, grey and currently dry here chez Casa Reynard, although it looked like it hosed it down for much of the night.

Slept really well, though had to get up and retrieve the blanket that I'd removed from the bed the other day to put it back on as I wasn't quite warm enough. Although admittedly, the approaching heffalumps do tend to mess up my body temperature somewhat, and as a result, I feel the cold a lot more at this particular time of the month.

I have had a gentle morning sorting out paperwork for the parental. This afternoon I still have a bit of kitchen stuff to do, and then I have a couple of errands to run.

But first, it is time for luncheon.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Overcast but still dry. I need a rest day but too much to catch up on.
If rain does not appear I must get down on hands and knees to weed the border beside my front path which is becoming an embarrassment. There are snowdrop bulbs lurking there which make a good display in early spring so cannot do anything drastic like putting on weedkiller and then a bark topping.
Breaking news. The passenger toilets on MV Loch Frisa are now working.

Could you put a layer of cardboard & then the bark topping? Come spring the cardboard should be soft enough to allow the snowdrops through.


Vice Admiral
Saw this & thought it might be a good alternative to a SD card.

Thank you for that suggestion.

The man in the High Street mobile services shop very kindly put the SD card in for me. The price included a wotsit into which you put a SD card, and then put that in your puter. I will not be taking loads of photos, but I will make a note of the "cloud" as in the suggestion from @mybike.

Many thanks to everyone who has made helpful suggestions about solving this problem, so that a mobile phone numpty could solve it.

Also many thanks to every one for the Bird Day wishes. Some years are more difficult than others.
With the wars around the world, flooding, and The Patient's Brain tumour to mention a few. It is also the anniversary of my Father's death on the 28th of October.
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