Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Thank you
Are they are standard size or does it depend on the model of the phone?
The cards are a standard physical size, the storage varies though.
A 64GB should do you, if you're not certain how much memory your phone can handle.


A Bus journey part of the way to the Tile shops and walked the remainder, surprisingly straightforward. We took photo's of the tiles we prefer and noted the labels and bar codes. The very helpful chap in the shop said we were welcome to take samples but as they were 300x600 would have been a bit weighty to lug home in the rucksack. Stopped to get a filled roll at a small family run bakers. 1/4" wedge of Cheddar and about 1/2" slice of Spanish onion, none of the grated cheese that always falls out and makes a mess.


Legendary Member
Bloods done with no fuss and no pain. Unlike the hospital where my left arm to about the elbow was a mass of purple bruising.
Not only is it painless but we have a chat as well and she made an appointment to see a doctor on Friday to discuss the results. A change in medication was done by the hospital with no consultation with anybody so interesting to hear any comments on that as I cannot reorder without further consultation. This mucks up my system but they probably assume I am too senile to have any knowledge.

On a brighter note my ferry bookings were done by another young( ish) lady who has a notice in the office that abuse of staff will not be tolerated. Why any body would I cannot imagine because she is constrained by the system. We always have a bit of a laugh which helps things to go smoothly.

Yep, some people can take blood samples easy others struggle and have to 'search around' for a vein. There are 2 nurses at my Doctors practice* Lisa who is crap and Sarah who is excellent, I have to have bloodtests every 6 months (type 2 diabetes) and guess which one is the designated diabetes nurse

* there are also 4 Doctors


Yep, some people can take blood samples easy others struggle and have to 'search around' for a vein. There are 2 nurses at my Doctors practice* Lisa who is crap and Sarah who is excellent, I have to have bloodtests every 6 months (type 2 diabetes) and guess which one is the designated diabetes nurse

* there are also 4 Doctors

The same go's for patients some are easy and some just don't have veins good enough to use. The move to poor cheep disposable tourniquets is not helping. Or wearing gloves when taking blood both of which are totally unnecessary for infection control in most cases.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The same go's for patients some are easy and some just don't have veins good enough to use. The move to poor cheep disposable tourniquets is not helping. Or wearing gloves when taking blood both of which are totally unnecessary for infection control in most cases.

I apparently have good veins and once in Paisley hospital a dragon type nurse appeared to take blood and made for my left arm.
I remarked that most found the right arm better and she replied ' don't you worry son I'll get blood out of a stone".:ohmy:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
This is where we spend our day. 🎣




I apparently have good veins and once in Paisley hospital a dragon type nurse appeared to take blood and made for my left arm.
I remarked that most found the right arm better and she replied ' don't you worry son I'll get blood out of a stone".:ohmy:

Mrs 73 can spot a good vein a mile off it's like living with a vampire.
It's been a lovely and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard. The expected rain showers didn't arrive, sliding past to the southwest instead.

Slept well. Spent the morning making a big pot of vegetable soup and picking the remaining salvageable tomatoes. In the last few days, the plants have really deteriorated, and a fair bit of the fruit, with all the rain, had started to split and go mouldy. I shall clear the plants up on Thursday after the green wheelie bin has been emptied.

Had an egg mayonnaise sandwich for luncheon, along with an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

As it didn't rain, I spent the afternoon lumberjilling - not for ready-to-go firewood, but to clear up storm damage. I cut and stacked just under a cubic metre of logs, but as it's green wood, it'll have to season / dry for a couple of years before it's good to go.

Now just kicking back with a nice :cuppa:
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