Mundane News

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Our IT dept is a bunch of tw4ts. :angry:

Can you turn them off, then back on again?


Leg End Member
If you're still wondering on what calendar to get for next year, how about this one?


Vice Admiral
FWIW, I just disconnected my phone from all wireless sources & the maps only covers a small area. Most of the time you are downloading map data from the network.

Do you only want to make more room on the phone?
What model is it & does it have a SD card. With some phones you can transfer programmes to the SD to save main memory.

Yes, it keeps telling me to save things to a SD card. Is that like a mini memory stick, external to the phone?

All I need to do is to make phone calls (usually in emergencies only) and take a few photos.


Two advertising flyers on the mat this morning, one from " toob " broadband offering full fibre to the premises 900 Mb up / down for £25 per month on an 18 month contract, and one from " Talk Talk " offering " Superfast full fibre " with 152Mb up / down for £28 per month on an 18 month contract. 🤔


Leg End Member
Can you turn them off, then back on again?
How's she going to turn her IT department off?


Two advertising flyers on the mat this morning, one from " toob " broadband offering full fibre to the premises 900 Mb up / down for £25 per month on an 18 month contract, and one from " Talk Talk " offering " Superfast full fibre " with 152Mb up / down for £28 per month on an 18 month contract. 🤔

With Talk Talk you get a data breach thrown in for free.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bloods done with no fuss and no pain. Unlike the hospital where my left arm to about the elbow was a mass of purple bruising.
Not only is it painless but we have a chat as well and she made an appointment to see a doctor on Friday to discuss the results. A change in medication was done by the hospital with no consultation with anybody so interesting to hear any comments on that as I cannot reorder without further consultation. This mucks up my system but they probably assume I am too senile to have any knowledge.

On a brighter note my ferry bookings were done by another young( ish) lady who has a notice in the office that abuse of staff will not be tolerated. Why any body would I cannot imagine because she is constrained by the system. We always have a bit of a laugh which helps things to go smoothly.
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