Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
When I lived in Stoneygate there was a Kebab shop where the owners cooked over Charcoal instead of one of those gas powered things with the metal bars, absolutely fantastic and the Salad was so fresh. It was there that I developed my theory, if the Salad looks fresh the Kebab will be good but if it looks 'tired' and a bit manky then 'caveat emptor' you're likely to be riding the porcelein pony in the morning.
My kebabophilia is largely salad-led, specifically the local's red and white cabbage salad. It comes with a good lemony dressing which survives contact with chili sauce.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
John Lewis have just sent me a second post-delivery survey request. In their words: ''Your opinion really matters to us and all the feedback we receive will help us to improve the experience of shopping with us in the future.''

However, when I first got to the delivery page of the survey, it wouldn't let me past ''Sorry that you haven't received your John Lewis order yet. ''Unfortunately, on this occasion, you won't be able to complete this survey as the questions relate specifically to the delivery of your order.''

So much for feedback.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
John Lewis have just sent me a second post-delivery survey request. In their words: ''Your opinion really matters to us and all the feedback we receive will help us to improve the experience of shopping with us in the future.''

However, when I first got to the delivery page of the survey, it wouldn't let me past ''Sorry that you haven't received your John Lewis order yet. ''Unfortunately, on this occasion, you won't be able to complete this survey as the questions relate specifically to the delivery of your order.''

So much for feedback.
So anyway, I asked them to stop sending me incompletable survey forms. However, computer says no.

''Regarding the survey that was being sent to you, I would like to inform you that this might be a system-generated survey. For that reason, we are unable to process your request.''

I could of course tell Gmail to block all JL communications but that would mean not getting a response from them about ''case 23043249''.


Vice Admiral
I admit to being a complete numpty on the subject of mobile phones. Since circa 1996 I have had three different phones (including this one).

This post may take some time to reach you as I am obviously posting from sometime in the last century.

Now I need to delete all the photos and emails from my current phone, and cannot work out how to do it. I only used my phone in emergencies etc, but would like to be able to take a few photos.

I use the laptop for reading and composing emails.

Can any very kind person explain it to me, in simplified terms? Or tell me how to find out. Do I have to move all the dross to a USB card, and what is a USB card? :scratch:

Whatever I try (including going on to Google) the phone just keeps on telling me to delete things to create some space, but does not tell me how.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I admit to being a complete numpty on the subject of mobile phones. Since circa 1996 I have had three different phones (including this one).

This post may take some time to reach you as I am obviously posting from sometime in the last century.

Now I need to delete all the photos and emails from my current phone, and cannot work out how to do it. I only used my phone in emergencies etc, but would like to be able to take a few photos.

I use the laptop for reading and composing emails.

Can any very kind person explain it to me, in simplified terms? Or tell me how to find out. Do I have to move all the dross to a USB card, and what is a USB card? :scratch:

Whatever I try (including going on to Google) the phone just keeps on telling me to delete things to create some space, but does not tell me how.

Most emails will be held on a server (Gmail or Outlook) so won't really use any significant amount of space.
Photos, on the other hand can use a fair bit.
Do you want to keep the pics or not?
You could maybe do a factory reset on the phine to start again (but this will dumo everything like contacts etc)


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
At last got out for a trike run. Sunshine, virtually no traffic and a wind which helped me uphill but did not cause significant drag down hill again. Lovely blue sky with wispy clouds and good visibility over towards Ardnamurchan and beyond to Rum.
A few buzzards and crows around but no other birds seen.
I feel more cheerful already.^_^


Vice Admiral
Most emails will be held on a server (Gmail or Outlook) so won't really use any significant amount of space.
Photos, on the other hand can use a fair bit.
Do you want to keep the pics or not?
You could maybe do a factory reset on the phine to start again (but this will dumo everything like contacts etc)

There were a few photos, and they have now been deleted.
The phone was telling me that there was no room for more photos. I have managed to delete lots of emails, via Gmail, but only one at a time. :scratch: For some reason those emails are up to about September 2018.

I make so few phone calls, that I only have five people on my contacts list.
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