Mundane News

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Charlie being off his food has gone on a bit too long medically he checks out. So it's the food not sure way maybe a recipe change . so for sake of my sanity and not having a battle about it. We've change his food early days but looks to be a hit we can't get it in the bowl quick enough. Just dong some checking up his food bill will take a big jump. But be worth it.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
There were a few photos, and they have now been deleted.
The phone was telling me that there was no room for more photos. I have managed to delete lots of emails, via Gmail, but only one at a time. :scratch: For some reason those emails are up to about September 2018.

I make so few phone calls, that I only have five people on my contacts list.

If you're using Gmail on your phone the the emails are not stored on your phone so deleting them won't make any difference to its memory. Are there any apps on it that you don't use any more?


Vice Admiral
If you're using Gmail on your phone the the emails are not stored on your phone so deleting them won't make any difference to its memory. Are there any apps on it that you don't use any more?

Yes, there seems to be lots of apps, but I am not sure which ones are essential for the normal function of the phone.


Rarity. Used something called cash to pay for 60p worth of bananas. Must be months since I last did not wave a card.
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