Mundane News

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Legendary Member
And now we're heading back to Peterborough - possibly to divert via Leicester 😱. Unless they can promise that we will be in Nottingham but 19:00 I may just get back on the coach to Ely.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Resting after cutting the brambles that over-hang onto the street from a garden nearby. It belongs to a housing association so if we don't do it then it won't happen. I also trimmed a bush.

I've also stripped my Raleigh SP Race (now in the 'For Sale' section at a tenner), cleaned the parts - xx( - and transferred them onto the Merida frame I picked up on Friday. Details are in the 'fettled' thread now I've got photos done. It'll live on the smart turbo but give a 'spare' option for commuting use when I wasn't comfortable with using the Raleigh as it probably needs a new fork / fork repair.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a nice sunny day with one exception. Went for walk up a road I use often for the exercise since I have been static for too long. Blue sky all round but raindrops started falling on my head ( I feel a song coming on) and on looking up there was a small black cloud overhead which fortunately did not continue raining on me.
Transport seems to be getting a bit desperate. MV Loch Frisa is doing an extra run for essential freight and anybody else who turns up at 0345 tomorrow. Never travelled on or even heard of overnight ferries here before but then we did not have the vast numbers of touroid to contend with.
Tomorrow I must make the effort to get out on the trike as I have no pressing appointments then.


Leg End Member
Grid ready...

And it's lights out....


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It's been a lovely sunny day down here in London.

And for tonight's culinary excursion I went to the kebab shop. I've discovered that I have a weakness for them.

When we did business trips to Glasgow in our van we always stopped at a kebab place before the two hour drive to Oban with a full load. It gave us just enough time to catch the near midnight ferry and a little time to spare in case of delay on the road.
Happy days.
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