Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
That depends on what the effects are and how bad they are, long covid is not one thing but a combo of effects. So treatment is more a case of managing each one. Ideas and possible treatments are coming up all the time the internet is full of them. As with most long term conditions long covid is often best self managed with input and support for HCP's to do it. Once a referral is made to long covid service a HCP can then give you access code for NHS online recovery program. Anyone however can access the main part of the site Which has lot's of info and help on common longer lasting effects of covid. Self help groups also are around. For most they are short to medium term issues some do however have long lasting effects.
General well being and fitness won't do any harm as for vitamins I've seen no credible information as a signal treatment. It was doing the rounds as a treatment for covid but that quickly got exposed as total rocking horse manure.

Thank you @tom73 for that link. It will be very useful for details of what to do/not do.


Legendary Member
@Reynard Any chance of hopping on your bike and taking a flask if coffee to a mate of mine stuck in floods on the A140 near Diss, please.. He's been there for 3 hours now! 🚛
I'm probably closer than @Reynard - black or white, with or without sugar?

Not allowed across county borders after dark.
It wouldn't be a problem for me as long as he's this side of the Stuston turn off, but it looks to be closed further south at Mendlesham due to more flooding so no can do.


Off to Cardiff for a university tour


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wind has gone and not yet raining.
Ferries both running at last report and doing extra runs on a turn up and go basis to clear the backlog.
A few people pointing out it was just a ferry breakdown and we have not been flooded or drowned so got off lucky really.
Mainland travel is a bit chancy in bits due to fallen trees and the road south of Oban towards Lochgilphead has a bridge which has been closed as unsafe and that road is closed. Long diversion.
Library day today so at least I get out to do something outside the house. Otherwise I feel knackered but no idea why. Next week getting bloods done which may give a clue.
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