Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
A degree or two warmer this morning noticeable once the dog walk got going and i'd warmed up.
Now sat having :cuppa: looking at head torches think mine is on the way out.

I've had good service from my Petzl Tikkina.
Sort of sunny here chez Casa Reynard, and noticeably warmer. The wind has also switched direction.

Did not sleep terribly well. My brain didn't want to switch off, and I was still tossing and turning shortly before 6am, which was the last time I checked the time on my phone. Did eventually get to sleep, but I'm rather short on the zzzzzz.

Had a kitchen morning, turning a tray of overripe tomatoes into a pan of pasta sauce. In doing that, I've *finally* cleared the backlog that began when I came down with Covid. Now all I've got left to deal with is what's left on the vines. At least now that it's cooler, they're not ripening so quickly. I've made soups, pasta sauces, chutney, tomato tarts, curry, chilli and given about seven kilos away. I've had a stonking crop this year.

This afternoon I shall be bringing in firewood in advance of the wet weather coming in later this week.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
A ton of parcels posted after selling lots of items on eBay. Then some interesting news - I've won £1000 of vouchers to spend at a store. That'll be different :ohmy:


Well where do i start.a little but the biggest meltdown this's the first 'big' one since finding out.All because i was going through some bits things you don't throw out because one day you will need them.So these were little love notes from the children how old they are i have no idea.but being soppy i keep some fathers day cards and these love you daddy notes.well that brought on a big weep.So jacket on and a walk in meanwood and down to Marcels cafe,one whopping bacon sarnie and a latte a good talk with my fave cafe owner and a walk in the a talk with a lady who i have known since my reading corner days with the tots at mums and toddlers.So now nearly 15-00 i feel a lot better.Silly old sod there is a long way to go yet and a lot of good treatment coming.
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