Mundane News

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Right, that's the bare bones of my race report database put in place. Other than three Honda CRX challenge races from 1990, I have a complete set of race reports for Paul from the 25th September 1988 right through to his final race on the 21st July 1991. These are all from Autosport, but I have some additional reports from Motoring News and other publications.

Prior to that September 88 F3 race, things get a bit patchy - mainly because back in the day, I tended to read Autosport / MN in the newsagent as my pocket money wouldn't always stretch that far. The next stage is tackling the pile of stuff that wants sorting and / or scanning, and making a note of what's in there. I've a complete print run of Motoring Newses stretching from the beginning of January 1986 through to the end of July 1987, plus a large box of assorted Autosports from 86, 87 and 88.

So far, I've got documented reports for around half of Paul's circuit races, and I can probably get that up to about 80% by going through the aforementioned pile of stuff. Once I've done that, then I'll know where the holes are, and I can do a more targeted chase down.


Senior Member
Where has the past month gone??! Back from Cambridge to the East just over a month ago, but then work travel and a busy schedule kept me away from my bike until last Sunday. I overdid it - lots of low but steep inclines in Singapore - and am still paying for that!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny day in prospect but off travelling or rather being transported back home.
A local GP phoned at seven o’clock last night to enquire why I had not checked in locally after hospital discharge. Did not know they kept such a close eye on me.
Summoned for blood tests and then a review by the GP.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Busy day ahead.. Dog to walk. 68th pint of blood to donate. Drive kiddies to North London as they have tickets for the England v Italy match at Wembley and daughter's car has blown a CV joint.

P.S. I have NO ticket so will amuse myself nearby for several hours.
It is a bit cloudy here with some sunlight and blue sky breaking through. It is dry which is a good thing .
It must be a busy life being a cat . We came home yesterday afternoon and I only saw Georgie briefly this morning. Last night I gave him some of my fish from my fish and chips in his bowl. It disappeared but I didn't see him ! Too busy to say hello! This morning he came in and had a bit of a fuss before his breakfast but then dashed back out .
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