Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Got a couple of pairs of my winter longs out of my out of season clothing box. It’s one thing riding in my shorts in these temps in the sun 🌞. But with forecast rain 🌧️ I’ll be wanting my winter longs to keep comfortable.
Hopefully, he's not as mischievous as you.

I'll take that as a complement.

He is, in fact as mischievous as I am, but I can speak German well enough to see if he's playing silly bürgers; in fact we worked together on some of the more technical sentences. I just make more grammatical errors than he would and it would take me longer.
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Had a lovely luncheon of a polish sausage & cheese sandwich, a pear, half a ripe mango and two :cuppa:

Loaded the car up with a bunch of stuff for the tip, jigged the garage around a bit so I've enough space to bring a loaded trailer inside without having to unhitch it from the mower (I plan to have a firewood-bringing-in-day tomorrow), did a bit more work on my race reports database, and then off I trotted.

Trip to the tip to dispose of, amongst other things, a mouse-eaten camping mattress, a crate of mouse-eaten bubble wrap, an old kettle with no spout, some split plastic planters and some knackered cardboard boxes. Had a gander at their bikes while I was there - their prices are still stratospheric, and some bikes have been there for a couple of years. They've got around a hundred bikes just sitting there gathering dust because their minimum price is now somewhere between £50 and £80. Prior to covid their bikes used to be largely in the £10-£30 range. Not surprised nobody's biting...

There was, however, a Light Blue Cycles town bike which *is* worth the asking price, as I know that they're not cheap bikes, having gone past the shop on many occasions whilst in Cambridge. I was looking at a Scott Scale junior MTB - it needed a bit of work as well as a full service. At £40 I'd have bought it there and then, but at £80, there are better buys to be had I think. And that old Raleigh junior roadie with the bent front forks is still there...

Dropped off mum's prescription and the paperwork at the quack on the way home, and am now sat enjoying a nice :cuppa: sat by the fire. Madam Lexi is now telling me that it is time for food.

So I shall feed the cat. And then I shall feed me.

Do you have a continental quilt or blankets? When I go to bed, I put a fleecy dressing gown over me, and under the quilt. The material of the quilt is lovely and soft, but does feel cold when I get into bed.

I have a vintage duck down duvet. It's not massively heavyweight, so as the temps get progressively colder, various fleece throws get chucked on top.

When it's really cold, I'll put a fleece throw under the duvet as well.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I'll take that as a complement.

It very much is.
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