Mundane News

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Lovely luncheon of an egg mayonnaise sandwich, a pear, half a mango and two :cuppa:

I'm now suitably fuelled up to go and do some lumberjilling.


Work outdoor visits done this afternoon before the storm arrives later on the week. Slightly sunny but largely overcast and the 41 mile car journey saw over a dozen cyclists passed. Following the Way of the Roses around Brimham Rocks it was only at the very end that I saw a cyclist; expecting him to turn right following the NCN I slowed only for him to carry straight on.
Before that this weeks vouchers both worked in the Co-Op including 2 pints of milk for £1.05.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Crowded ferry including a bus party of ancients who looked like they should not be out. I thought I was unfit but compared to that lot I am super athletic.
They did cause a problem by monopolising the passenger lift on the ferry back down to the car deck. I was on the top deck and a queue formed behind me for the lift but strangely managed to walk off down when it became apparent they were not going to get down soon. In addition the conversation and the allusion to the large sign saying "For the use of mobility impaired passengers only" perhaps gave them the impression that lazyness did not count as mobility impaired. Dog owners also seem to suffer from this affliction of inability to walk. If poor doggy does not like stairs leave it in the car.
Just one of my hobbyhorses.
Lovely calm sunny trip over tho' and massive queue waiting for the trip back to mainland.
That's an afternoon of lumberjilling done. Filled up the trailer (2ft x 4ft x 2ft) with logs and hauled them into the garage. Hardest part was trimming everything prior to cutting things up, as the drainage board just felled stuff and left it. They're *supposed* to remove the small stuff and chip it, but they never do. And then there's a bloody elderberry tree growing through the middle of the pile...

Now kicking back with a :cuppa: and some lindor.
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