Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Now the big question - is it too early for a mince pie?

It is too early, I suggest you wait until 4pm.
A cool and vaguely sunny day here chez Casa Reynard. We seem to have missed the frost, but it must've been a cold one, as the house is down to 17 degrees.

I slept really well. Extra fleece throw on the bed and giving in to finally wearing a nightie after not bothering since about mid May meant that I was nice and toastie warm in bed. A cat sleeping on my feet helped in that respect too. Slept in actually, and feel nice and rested. My head is very bunged though and I'm coughing and spluttering some. Hopefully I should be OK to steward at the Supreme on Saturday. Just seen the forecast, and driving to Coventry early doors will be... interesting.

Spent the morning constructing a database to keep track of race reports. Unlike the one for photos, this one is way easier to do in Excel, as I can lift all the basic data (meeting, circuit, date) out of the race results spreadsheet that I originally set up in around 1996. I've created a series of columns to be able to tick off reports from Autosport, Motoring News, other sources i.e. Motor Sport, newspapers, press packs, along with additional columns for things like programmes, photographs and timing sheets from any particular meeting.

When I say "tick off" it's just basically filling the relevant cell in a column with the colour that I've assigned to it. Makes it really easy to check each meeting at a glance. Having a reference like this is something I've needed for a long time, as it's impossible to keep the data for some 130 race meetings straight in my head. This is for the circuit racing stuff btw, not the short oval.

This afternoon I will need to bring a supply of firewood into the house (it's that time of year, I suppose), drop off some paperwork for the parental at the quack (I can just chuck it through the letterbox so no need to go inside) and do a tip run.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
Potentially every two weeks. On the other hand I get to go home at 16:00 so I can reduce my overtime.

I have so much overtime the alternative is to take about three weeks off at once.

they don't want to pay the overtime?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Got shopping done but under escort.
Going round supermarkets accompanied by “ helpers” is a bit taxing and so I missed out some things on my list.
Problem not helped by Lidl having an electrical problem which meant all cool and frozen stuff was not accessible so missed out on stuff not in any other stores that I could find. They did find some friends in Aldi to chat to so I was able to escape on my own for a while.
Even at the checkouts I was told to stay clear until the time came to brandish my debit card.
Annoying but they mean well so I kept my cool as best as possible.
When being driven into Oban noticed a recumbent cycling up the footpath alongside the road. Not legal but fairly common and I have never heard of plod causing any problems as it is much safer than this section of A85 which is narrow with vehicles going at speed in both directions. Not many pedestrians use this anyway.
It was an ideal triking day with sunshine and very little wind but sadly no trike with me.


Got shopping done but under escort.
Going round supermarkets accompanied by “ helpers” is a bit taxing and so I missed out some things on my list.
Problem not helped by Lidl having an electrical problem which meant all cool and frozen stuff was not accessible so missed out on stuff not in any other stores that I could find. They did find some friends in Aldi to chat to so I was able to escape on my own for a while.
Even at the checkouts I was told to stay clear until the time came to brandish my debit card.
Annoying but they mean well so I kept my cool as best as possible.
When being driven into Oban noticed a recumbent cycling up the footpath alongside the road. Not legal but fairly common and I have never heard of plod causing any problems as it is much safer than this section of A85 which is narrow with vehicles going at speed in both directions. Not many pedestrians use this anyway.
It was an ideal triking day with sunshine and very little wind but sadly no trike with me.

Oddly our Lidi had the same issue yesterday wall to wall empty chilled food. All reloaded today but with very thin levels of stock.
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