Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The grass was crunchy when I walked up the garden to feed the birds at dawn this morning. Very nippy!


No fox tagging along on the early morning dog walk some thing was around though as a tawny owl was giving off an alarm call.
Big coat weather this morning for early trip into town. Called into M&S and came out with some free broccoli, not my fault they never put it though the till.
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Legendary Member
Good morning from chilly Suffolk where the sunny start to the day has gone and there's now a thin layer of cloud. Coffee & breakfast have been done and the recycling bin will shortly be retrieved from wherever the bin men have left it and returned to it's rightful place round the back of the house.

Not planning on doing much today except for a bit of food shopping for work lunches and then I'm off to Norwich this evening to see Pip Blom at the Arts Centre.


At the moment every morning is like a pharmacy here in Meanwood.Seven pills to be taken.i have made a chart which i tick off when i take each one.but this morning an even more daunting task i thought.Stabbing myself with a injection,even though the leaflet says you should be instructed,no just verbally last off with the shirt grabbed hold of a roll of fat deep breath and plunge.What a big wuss the needle so sharp no pain,slowly plunge and withdraw,mind you its now ten mins later i am sat down and shaking ,only six more to do.a better thing today i may get new hearing aids.i have requested going back to my local surgery for hearing aid November i finished up with the Infirmary taking over supplying,after needing urgent medical treatment sadly its two bus journeys out and two back.And just when i needed new batteries and a repair i got this problem is a serious pain in the groin it stops me walking.So had i been on my way it would have meant laying down on the pavement for at least one hour to stop it,and i am not kidding.So my local hearing is less than five mins on a local bus.i requested on compassionate grounds,they agreed bless them so today i hopefully get whizz bang aids,then i will post the old ones back,because this centre wont deal with them.dont ask me why what a waste of nhs money.All it needs is a new thread end the tube rotates then falls off.Guess what you have to pay £60- £80 to replace.


A mass of post just come flying though the letter box shifted out the junk. Now left with a small mountain of professional journals for a bit of light reading.
At the moment every morning is like a pharmacy here in Meanwood.Seven pills to be taken.i have made a chart which i tick off when i take each one.but this morning an even more daunting task i thought.Stabbing myself with a injection,even though the leaflet says you should be instructed,no just verbally last off with the shirt grabbed hold of a roll of fat deep breath and plunge.What a big wuss the needle so sharp no pain,slowly plunge and withdraw,mind you its now ten mins later i am sat down and shaking ,only six more to do.a better thing today i may get new hearing aids.i have requested going back to my local surgery for hearing aid November i finished up with the Infirmary taking over supplying,after needing urgent medical treatment sadly its two bus journeys out and two back.And just when i needed new batteries and a repair i got this problem is a serious pain in the groin it stops me walking.So had i been on my way it would have meant laying down on the pavement for at least one hour to stop it,and i am not kidding.So my local hearing is less than five mins on a local bus.i requested on compassionate grounds,they agreed bless them so today i hopefully get whizz bang aids,then i will post the old ones back,because this centre wont deal with them.dont ask me why what a waste of nhs money.All it needs is a new thread end the tube rotates then falls off.Guess what you have to pay £60- £80 to replace.

no duct tape in the house?

just kidding, hope you feel better & have a nice day
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