Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Second and third cuppa's went down well
Been lovely and sunny here today with a chilly breeze.
Washing dried on the line even though it didn't get pegged out till midday.
A sunny and chilly day here chez Casa Reynard, after the first frost of the season.

Did not sleep well. Eventually had to give in and stick an extra blanket on the bed. After that, I dropped off properly, but am feeling a bit zzzzzz. Still feeling bleurgh with the head cold.

Had an enjoyable day watching Arsenal ladies beat Aston Villa ladies, and then England beat Fiji in the rugby. Both very enjoyable games to watch, and wouldn't have felt short-changed if the results hadn't gone my way. The cricket however. The less said about that, the better...

Gave in and put the fire on an hour ago. Better than a radiator as it warms the brickwork as well. The storage heater on the lower landing has been on for a couple of days, albeit on its lowest setting.

My internet connection has been yo-yo-ing all day. Intensely irritating.
Ah, that was a *VERY* nice sausage sandwich. :hungry:


Legendary Member
Lovely 40 mile ride today under clear blue skies - lovely that is if you ignore the bitterly cold and fairly stiff headwind for the outward half of the ride. Hot shower and a mug of coffee when I got home and there was still time to get the grass cut, but I doubt that that will be the last cut of the year.

The recycling bin has been put out front ready for emptying on Monday morning and I think it's now time for a beer.


Vice Admiral
It's not one of those "celebrity" programs the pair of you are watching, is it!!
Yes, we are sat on the sofa together! :laugh:

It is the only "celebrity" programme that I watch. I like the music. Imo it is just light entertainment for early Saturday evening. I can watch the dancing and continue with my knitting when they are not dancing.
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