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I like toast. I know it's overkill but I'd love one of those Dualit automatic machines that you find in hotel breakfast rooms. My fantasy challenge is to set up such a machine and auto feed it with slices of wholemeal, while I'm at the other end with a knife and half a pound of Cornish butter with sea salt crystals 😁

Go on spoil yourself...l have a Dualit toaster , it will toast four slices of bread or crumpets or anything else up to a maximum thickness of 3cm. Not only that ,each of the four toasting slots can be set to different temperatures for those of us who like burnt offerings or slightly tanned complexions . All good fun if you are a big kid such as l am :whistle:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Do peeps remember those handlebar mounted drinks bottles. I can remember wanting a twin one . At the time it seemed to be the in thing. Especially if you could get a neoprene tube so that you could just suck the drink on the move.

I had one of those but a bottle on one side and a tin with sweets etc on the other. Never used a tube tho’.
I think the holder is still around but not looked for a while so may have gone with a lot of bits I gave away.


Go on spoil yourself...l have a Dualit toaster , it will toast four slices of bread or crumpets or anything else up to a maximum thickness of 3cm. Not only that ,each of the four toasting slots can be set to different temperatures for those of us who like burnt offerings or slightly tanned complexions . All good fun if you are a big kid such as l am :whistle:

We have a 2 slot Dualit, thinking about it it's probably about 12 - 15 years old and just keeps going. I love the clockwork timer, and the ingenious way it speeds up at the end of toasting to avoid the possibility of the contacts arcing as the circuit breaks. Plenty of fun whacking the lifting lever to see how high you can launch each slice. 😄


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
We have a 2 slot Dualit, thinking about it it's probably about 12 - 15 years old and just keeps going. I love the clockwork timer, and the ingenious way it speeds up at the end of toasting to avoid the possibility of the contacts arcing as the circuit breaks. Plenty of fun whacking the lifting lever to see how high you can launch each slice. 😄

I do that when I'm toasting crumpets. As they can't be reached with the basic pop-up, I tend to launch them upwards and attempt to catch them with the tongs.. MrsPete thinks im being childish. I disagree, obviously, as I think it's the most sensible (and fun) way to extract them from the slots.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sat out in the sun for a while with no jacket as out of the slight wind it is not too cold.
A motor sailer I recognise as usually moored further up the loch came up on a contraflow close inshore against the ebb tide. Did not come up from the sea with the Falls going full blast out to sea so must have come down for a look and turned back.
Reappeared shortly after heading down with the tide and held over to port side and suddenly took a dip in the bows and shot through seawards. Obviously not a stranger.
We dived there once with the outgoing tide. Very exiting flying down under water with virtually no control but not frightening.:smile:
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