Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It has it's benefits, it stops you going outside and seeing Leicester.

I'm going to Leicester for my birthday, soon.
It's a present to see the Lionesses play Belgium ⚽


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks like the same weather pattern as we have had for a couple of days. Nice sunny intervals and warm if you can get shelter from the wind followed by squalls with heavy rain.
I would not be going anyway but the Tob. library is closed today for “ operational reasons” . This is interpreted by most as meaning the librarian cannot get too and from work due to the **** car rally.
There are also pleas on FB reminding that speed limits do still apply outside road closure times.
Farmers have to go around and chase all livestock well away from roads.
Even staying at home in my garden does not necessarily give any peace. One year they set up a loudspeaker system in the car park obviously broadcasting to Tiree many miles away. After interminable shouting of “are yeow havin a good time lads” from some inane commentator I would cheerfully have strangled the B.
You may get the impression I do not like the rally. I wonder how that could be? :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Looks like the same weather pattern as we have had for a couple of days. Nice sunny intervals and warm if you can get shelter from the wind followed by squalls with heavy rain.
I would not be going anyway but the Tob. library is closed today for “ operational reasons” . This is interpreted by most as meaning the librarian cannot get too and from work due to the **** car rally.
There are also pleas on FB reminding that speed limits do still apply outside road closure times.
Farmers have to go around and chase all livestock well away from roads.
Even staying at home in my garden does not necessarily give any peace. One year they set up a loudspeaker system in the car park obviously broadcasting to Tiree many miles away. After interminable shouting of “are yeow havin a good time lads” from some inane commentator I would cheerfully have strangled the B.
You may get the impression I do not like the rally. I wonder how that could be? :rolleyes:

I feel your pain. I have a local car rally here too which is a complete nightmare for the locals with the amount of antisocial behaviour and dangerous driving it encourages. It brings a lot of money into the town, allegedly, probably into the hands of the rich people who own all the hotels and things and tell the council what to do.

I usually try to get away somewhere that weekend but messed up this year and other people had booked the Friday off work so I didn't get it. Everyone tries to get out of town during rally weekend! Some even go away and rent their house out to rally fans at outrageous rates, such is the demand for accommodation.


Legendary Member
After a very wet start, it looks like it might be a nice day after all. Lots of leaves down now on my morning perambulation. I guess it will give people reason to go out and convert petrol and two-stroke oil into a lot of noise by using their leaf blowers to move the leaves somewhere else, temporarily.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright & sunny Suffolk. Bit of a shock this morning with the cold when I stuck my feet out from under the duvet.
Nothing planned for today apart from a quick visit to see my dad as it's his birthday.


Legendary Member
I had a letter to post so went into the deserted post office and went straight to the serving hatch since there were no other customers, and Hitler the cashier gave me a telling off for not going around all the roped off route for queuing.:wacko:

I hadn't realised but there is a motor show taking place in the main street today and it is closed to traffic but I was walking anyway. Seems to be a place for all the local dealers to show off their wares and it highlights how enormous all modern cars really are. Why do they keep making them wider? I liked the Opel stall best. The lady handing out the leaflets was :rose:😍


Sunny but cold enough to mean a dripping nose on the ebike to Waitrose and back. Papers under the bungees on the pannier rack to ease the weight of the rucksack which included 2 pints of milk for 75p thanks to one of this week's vouchers.
Car horns blared on the return as another car tried to go the wrong way down a one way street, and the press would make you believe only cyclists do that.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Not quite so much rain as yesterday, but with a longer walk there was more scope to get wet.


The water coming over the sluice is meaning the banks are being overwelmed.


And as others have said, a bit nippy at 44.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I feel your pain. I have a local car rally here too which is a complete nightmare for the locals with the amount of antisocial behaviour and dangerous driving it encourages. It brings a lot of money into the town, allegedly, probably into the hands of the rich people who own all the hotels and things and tell the council what to do.

I usually try to get away somewhere that weekend but messed up this year and other people had booked the Friday off work so I didn't get it. Everyone tries to get out of town during rally weekend! Some even go away and rent their house out to rally fans at outrageous rates, such is the demand for accommodation.

I do the same and get off tho’ a hospital visit was not on the agenda. :ohmy:
When we had a shop which sold to a mix of local and tourist and we eventually just closed that weekend as the turnover did not even cover the cost of electricity. Touroid were frightened away, locals just stayed at home or left and rally car wonks bought nothing but accommodation and boose.
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