Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
It looks bright and sunny outside, but there is one of those lazy winds alledgedly from the North Pole.
At my age, I find if I get really cold, my internal thermometer goes haywire.

Instead of gardening, I have been tidying the dining sewing and knitting room.

I am getting used to the new curtains. At first, I thought eeeekkk they are the wrong colour. That was because they were put up at dusk, with neither daylight or much in the way of indoor lighting. Now I can see it is the right colour. ^_^


Legendary Member
The morning of faffing around and doing very little has been successfully completed. A load of towels have been washed and are on the line to dry - with the combination of the sunshine and the breeze that should be mostly dry when I get home in a couple of hours. The grass should also be dry enough for a quick cut by then as well.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
A snooze on the settee has been successfully completed. 👌


Covid jabbed and back on the ebike at the time the appointment was meant be. Location was the chemists in Knaresborough market place and with three lots of seemingly deaf pedestrians on the Beryl Burton cycleway and Waterside going there I made a rare use of the back streets to the west of the market place and the western end of the High Street for the return to avoid Waterside. Thence the A59 hill and onto Morrisons.
The ebike had been greased and lubed since this mornings outing; there had been a faint squeak at times which was probably a somewhat greaseless frame / rear skewer interface.
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