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Itching to get back on my bike's
Two more cuppa's have been consumed


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mostly nice and sunny and warmish out of the wind.
Interesting watching the bird life here which is very different from home.
Flocks of gulls heading out to sea in the morning with skeins of geese heading inland and crows going both directions. Cormorants commuting both directions and then the whole thing reverses late afternoon. No swans at present tho’ they do appear on the Connel Ferry side of the loch in summer.
There are shore birds also but that is down a steep grassy and potentially slippy slope so out of my sight here due to trees and bushes in the way. Not going to attempt that path as too dodgy for me.
All those campuses have now moved to the Ashby Road site The buildings that stood on the corner of Ashby Road and Green Close Lane were demolished some years ago and the area is now a Sainsbury’s Supermarket along with car parking and petrol station
Back after 46 miles
First cuppa went down well

FORTY SIX MILES that is 74 km. in my money ! l would require a blood transfusion never mind a cup of tea/coffee ^_^
It's been a lovely sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, but with a blustery northerly breeze that made it feel decidedly cool.

Slept really well. Slept in a fair bit actually, and I don't feel too bad. The snot deluge has abated, and now I just feel a bit meh and have a stuffed head. It could be worse. So have had a quiet day, but still accomplished a good bit in the kitchen. All the overripe tomatoes have been turned into a chilli, along with the pack of thin "flash fry" beef steaks that I took out of the freezer yesterday.

OK, not all the beef. I kept one steak back for Madam Lexi. :blush:

The afternoon was spent largely watching men in tight shorts supposedly playing with a funny shaped ball, but who were more intent of biffing the crap out of each other.

Now sat down with a :cuppa:


Itching to get back on my bike's
FORTY SIX MILES that is 74 km. in my money ! l would require a blood transfusion never mind a cup of tea/coffee ^_^

And I bet it would have been warmer with you
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