Mundane News

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A bright, mild and very blustery day here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept really well - a solid nine and a half hours. Still feel tired, and this morning, my head has turned into a snot factory once again. Am coughing, spluttering and honking my nose for England.

Anyway, I have spent the morning doing some serious reading. My motorsport / motoring historian friend has asked me to help him with an upcoming project because it's too big for him to tackle on his own, and because I can bring a very useful set of skills to the table. However, it's in an area that is well outside my area of interest or indeed knowledge, so I am having to bone up big time. It's as much as I can say right now, but I think it'll prove to be very interesting. I'm just flattered that he trusts me this much.

This afternoon, I shall go back to the writing (I have a poem on the go) and I shall make a big pot of leek and potato soup.

First though, it is time for luncheon.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Bit of a wet walk with the dog this morning, she didn't get much fuss either since nobody likes to pet a wet dog. Come to that, she wasn't that interested in stopping.

Looking at the neighbours garden & the sheep field over the back, there are puddles forming, so I might need to get the submersible pump out. We've had 0.86" of rain since midnight.

Now up to 1", but thankfully no flooding.
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with pate, the other with Saint Agur cheese, plus an apple, a pear and the obligatory two :cuppa:

A big pot of leek & potato soup made. Threw in a handful of fresh sage as well - the plant I bought earlier in the year has grown into a nice little bush.

No writing done, but watered the herb planters that are under the garage porch.

It's gone godawfully dark here.
I'm in Sittingbourne. Again.

sometimes we're sitting in Bourne traffic to cross the Cape Cod canal
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