Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
View attachment 709857

Today's 67 plate unit.... Binary number of kilometres!

A mere 90 km then.


Legendary Member
^_^ The new curtains arrive this evening. They are completely different to the ones that are now twenty-five years old.

Also more good news, I will start to receive my State Pension in about four weeks' time. ^_^

I might have to restock my drinks cabinet. There is usually brandy in there, and one or two Ports, like this one.

View attachment 709848

What else does anyone like to drink? There is zero alcohol Peroni for those who avoid alcofrolic drinks, ginger ale, or tea.

I'm partial to a drop of Tawny Port, with Stilton on McVities Digestives
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