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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks like another day of sunny spells and rain showers.
Nothing to do but mooch around as I am a bit stuck with no trike, no car and not able to walk very far.

Car racing seems to have started with a short shakedown bit this morning so Mull will be a complete madhouse and certainly not a place to be driving. There are already complaints on FB about somebody being forced off the road by somebody going so fast they could not get any details of the car. Not uncommon at this time.
One local taxi has announced he is not working this weekend. No reason given but probably safety issues.
My transport home next Tuesday will have to make a 120 detour to get home on the mainland rather than the 10 miles it would normally take due to ferries being fully booked by rally traffic.


Legendary Member
I spent a week there once on a training course for work. Nice railway station but not much else of interest.

Loughborough is my home town.

It has two railway stations.The old LNER I closed down as part of the Beeching cuts and is now a heritage line.
Queen’s Park is worth a visit It has the Carillon and if you have the energy you can climb the steps to the top Last time I visited and it was many years ago it had interesting World War 1 memrobelia
Adjacent to the park the old swimming pool is now a local history museum
The town centre has market days twice a week

Like al lot of small towns it has suffered under the hands of the developers

If visitors are prepared to explore there on still interesting features if that way inclined to be found.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Loughborough is my home town.

It has two railway stations.The old LNER I closed down as part of the Beeching cuts and is now a heritage line.
Queen’s Park is worth a visit It has the Carillon and if you have the energy you can climb the steps to the top Last time I visited and it was many years ago it had interesting World War 1 memrobelia
Adjacent to the park the old swimming pool is now a local history museum
The town centre has market days twice a week

Like al lot of small towns it has suffered under the hands of the developers

If visitors are prepared to explore there on still interesting features if that way inclined to be found.

I was particularly impressed, at 20:30 yesterday, that the town centre bypass was closed so I had to take a 44 tonne truck through the middle of town 😂


Legendary Member
Loughborough is my home town.

It has two railway stations.The old LNER I closed down as part of the Beeching cuts and is now a heritage line.
Queen’s Park is worth a visit It has the Carillon and if you have the energy you can climb the steps to the top Last time I visited and it was many years ago it had interesting World War 1 memrobelia
Adjacent to the park the old swimming pool is now a local history museum
The town centre has market days twice a week

Like al lot of small towns it has suffered under the hands of the developers

If visitors are prepared to explore there on still interesting features if that way inclined to be found.

Forgot to mention Loughborough now has its own Monopoly board game and until recently had two Wetherspoons,one has now closed


Legendary Member
My comments about Loughborough got me thinking about Loughborough past history
Some of it is connected to place and street names
The Coneries A place where rabbits were bred
The Rushes A marshy area
Baxter Gate An area of bakeries
Pinfold Gate A gate that prevented cattle straying

One of the more macabre ones is Dead Lane Apparently the name came after bodies were found buried Thought to be a place where victims of the plague were buried
Loughborough is my home town.

It has two railway stations.The old LNER I closed down as part of the Beeching cuts and is now a heritage line.
Queen’s Park is worth a visit It has the Carillon and if you have the energy you can climb the steps to the top Last time I visited and it was many years ago it had interesting World War 1 memrobelia
Adjacent to the park the old swimming pool is now a local history museum
The town centre has market days twice a week

Like al lot of small towns it has suffered under the hands of the developers

If visitors are prepared to explore there on still interesting features if that way inclined to be found.

I cannot believe some of the comments regarding Loughborough, it has one of the countries best University campuses spread all over the town, and if you are in anyway sport orientated either in a practical sense or from the training or medical point of view you could no better than attend one of the colleges. I was at art school in Loughborough for a pre-dip. year and l have very fond memories of the place...including l hasten to add , seeing Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker play ( before Cream ,l think) . Ginger Baker used to fire off drumsticks into the audience......l never managed to grab one though !!


Legendary Member
I cannot believe some of the comments regarding Loughborough, it has one of the countries best University campuses spread all over the town, and if you are in anyway sport orientated either in a practical sense or from the training or medical point of view you could no better than attend one of the colleges. I was at art school in Loughborough for a pre-dip. year and l have very fond memories of the place...including l hasten to add , seeing Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker play ( before Cream ,l think) . Ginger Baker used to fire off drumsticks into the audience......l never managed to grab one though !!

All those campuses have now moved to the Ashby Road site The buildings that stood on the corner of Ashby Road and Green Close Lane were demolished some years ago and the area is now a Sainsbury’s Supermarket along with car parking and petrol station


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Bit of a wet walk with the dog this morning, she didn't get much fuss either since nobody likes to pet a wet dog. Come to that, she wasn't that interested in stopping.

Looking at the neighbours garden & the sheep field over the back, there are puddles forming, so I might need to get the submersible pump out. We've had 0.86" of rain since midnight.
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