Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Journey to Taunton was hard going took an hour to get to Brackley which normally takes 40 minutes
don't know how we have managed up to now without a floor ! :whistle:
It's a grey, mild and damp day here chez Casa Reynard.

I did not sleep well at all. OK, I slept, but was always on the verge of being awake as my brain was struggling to switch off, and that is NOT restful. As a result, I'm tired, grumpy and feel faintly nauseous. Several :cuppa: have helped. So I plan on having a quiet day, probably spent writing.

The retired mole catcher who we've known for years popped in for a :cuppa: earlier. Always good to see him and always nice to have a chinwag. He's in his early 90s now, but you wouldn't know it. He's a keen lawn bowler and line dancer.

It is almost time for luncheon.
As far as I know real .
We planted it about 15 years ago and this must be the 3rd time I have had to trim it as it's got to about 10 ft tall .

About 3 years ago one of local cc members had a cutting from it but not heard from him on here for ages to see how it's going

Ornamental bay has much bigger leaves, and the upper surface is glossy rather than matte. I remember you giving away that cutting.

Bay wood, once dry, burns really well, and smells good to boot. I've a load of ornamental bay logs stacked up along my fence.


Vice Admiral
^_^ The new curtains arrive this evening. They are completely different to the ones that are now twenty-five years old.

Also more good news, I will start to receive my State Pension in about four weeks' time. ^_^

I might have to restock my drinks cabinet. There is usually brandy in there, and one or two Ports, like this one.


What else does anyone like to drink? There is zero alcohol Peroni for those who avoid alcofrolic drinks, ginger ale, or tea.


Helimed 99 just flown over on way back to base by the look of its direction.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Day of mostly sunshine for a change with a few bursts of light rain and a cold wind. Managed to get outside for an amble around rather than the shuffle which has been annoying me. Much better to get upright and take longer strides.
Currently having coffee and watching the incoming tide just above the Falls of Lora at the entrance to Loch Etive. The water is only a couple of hundred yards away and below where I am sitting and the swirls of the fast tide can be clearly seen. It is not difficult to imagine all sorts of creatures swimming past partly visible. There are also a few water birds getting a free lift up the loch.


All at sea⛵
A cautionary tale about too much technology.
Hercules 2 is on the bike stand,having had a significant part replaced. Followed the process set out in a briefing video. Then came the repowering

Like that bit when they restart the heart after serious surgery.
Just this requires a precedure on an iPhone app over the internet. Via a help desk person based in Egypt.
Telling the system that he has a new controller and it must take instructions from my phone

I have an android phone and this part was never mentioned. I didn't ask either.

This is now scheduled for tomorrow morning.


Sunny afternoon and a number of cyclists noted during the work outing in the car this afternoon. Had to go over Norwood Edge in both directions which was as usual acting as a magnet. On the northbound return I crept along with a cyclist clambering up the final part of the climb ahead until he pulled across a side lane entrance and waved me pass. Wave duly returned.
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