Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Anyhow, my mother in neighbouring Greenwich just phoned me from Texas. She says the phone rang and she answered it, whereas for me, it rang here and I answered it. And there, in a very distant voice, was my mother. How can she, or a phone, do that?

There is a service called ring back when free. If you ring someone & they're engaged, you can activate the service & it will ring you & the person you are calling.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
It would certainly need a rethink on how we handle winter, I'm old enough to remember the bad winters of the 1950's and 1960's, we coped and I'm sure we could do it again if we needed to.

1963 was a good winter, no school football for a whole term.

Deleted member 1258

1963 was a good winter, no school football for a whole term.

I was brought up in Kent and remember 1963, I'd be about 11, it started snowing on Boxing Day, there was snow on the ground and it snowed regularly up to March, but there were other snowy winters before and after that, 1969 and I was in the navy, I went home on weekend leave and had trouble getting back, it was only my Dad being willing to drive me to Ashford that enabled me to get back, no trains running past Ashford.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
There is a service called ring back when free. If you ring someone & they're engaged, you can activate the service & it will ring you & the person you are calling.

Fine, but this involved ringing both lines which were unengaged at the same time (and both parties wondering why the other phoned. ''You rang me!'' ''No, you rang me!'')


Itching to get back on my bike's
Another working day completed for me.

Special request please could we all keep the roads between Numpton and Taunton clear and then the return journey later in the day


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Very mixed day of rain and sunny intervals but all spent lurking indoors. I really must get outside tomorrow and walk a bit. Problem partly is that I have no car to take me somewhere safer than the nearby roadway.
Spent some time trying to get sense out of Calmac website for travel home next week. They do not recognise any concessions even tho’ they are supposed to.
When I get home I must start agitating the Ferry Committee to sort this out.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
How did the spammers know I am Ming? Mind I don’t use my God nickname very often.

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