Mundane News

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A mixed bag of a day here chez Casa Reynard. Warm and overcast, started out dry, and then gradually got wetter after lunch.

Slept well. I overslept massively in fact. I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but slept way through that. Whoops. I was just shattered last night and didn't hear my alarm.

Ah well, I did meet up with her later, so no harm done, and we did have a good laugh over things.

After lunch I did some writing, and then toddled off to Tesco for some groceries. They're putting all the Christmas lines in, so various stuff has gone "missing" as it tends to do, and won't reappear till January. It's frustrating when it's stuff you actually buy, and it seems worse this year due to the store revamp, which looks glitzy, but has reduced the actual shelf space. The manager should be put on a spit and roasted. Slowly.

Tomato tart and green beans, followed by apple pie for supper.

Now just chilling.


Leg End Member
A mixed bag of a day here chez Casa Reynard. Warm and overcast, started out dry, and then gradually got wetter after lunch.

Slept well. I overslept massively in fact. I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but slept way through that. Whoops. I was just shattered last night and didn't hear my alarm.

Ah well, I did meet up with her later, so no harm done, and we did have a good laugh over things.

After lunch I did some writing, and then toddled off to Tesco for some groceries. They're putting all the Christmas lines in, so various stuff has gone "missing" as it tends to do, and won't reappear till January. It's frustrating when it's stuff you actually buy, and it seems worse this year due to the store revamp, which looks glitzy, but has reduced the actual shelf space. The manager should be put on a spit and roasted. Slowly.

Tomato tart and green beans, followed by apple pie for supper.

Now just chilling.
You could build it at home, then take it in in your newly released trailer.
Even taking in some fuel for the fire required!


Legendary Member
I hate fire hydrants in those tests. I once got a citation for stopping next to one. It was buried under a lot of snow at the time.
Not convinced the whole idea works, anyway

Maybe it's just my eyes but I find the photos are often of such poor quality that it can be difficult to pick things out.


Hong Kong



Itching to get back on my bike's
Ornamental bay? Or a real bay?

They've both got a tendency to grow very big. My real (culinary) bay is kept in a planter to restrict its size.

As far as I know real .
We planted it about 15 years ago and this must be the 3rd time I have had to trim it as it's got to about 10 ft tall .

About 3 years ago one of local cc members had a cutting from it but not heard from him on here for ages to see how it's going
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