Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Me and a mate talked about this sort of stuff the other week. It's one of the things people and policy makers need to get heads around.
Currently you need to refuel a car via a special trip to the petrol station. EV don't need that as practically any place can be a "refuelling" point. App's and rent a charger like many do with private drives will need to become the norm. Retraining mind sets will be a challenge.

Maybe twin-up with JustPark, or similar?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Me and a mate talked about this sort of stuff the other week. It's one of the things people and policy makers need to get heads around.
Currently you need to refuel a car via a special trip to the petrol station. EV don't need that as practically any place can be a "refuelling" point. App's and rent a charger like many do with private drives will need to become the norm. Retraining mind sets will be a challenge.

Given the geography of where I live it would be impossible for me to have a charger unless a trench was dug under the road to allow for a charger where the parking is. I would need to make a special trip to a charging point if I had an EV as would many others living here.
I could have one directly in front of my house but it would mean parking on what has become a busy road. Used to be quiet but many new houses have been built and most have at least 2 vehicles.


Maybe twin-up with JustPark, or similar?

Be a nice way for them to diversify if they think the market moves quick enough. It's also not too big a jump for communities to form charger network cooperatives. The same as happens with rural braodband in areas that are quoted silly money to link them to the network. Now if it become policy to support community owned power generation and that got link to local charger network. Be a nice few bob for local people to spend on what locals want it spent on.
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Given the geography of where I live it would be impossible for me to have a charger unless a trench was dug under the road to allow for a charger where the parking is. I would need to make a special trip to a charging point if I had an EV as would many others living here.
I could have one directly in front of my house but it would mean parking on what has become a busy road. Used to be quiet but many new houses have been built and most have at least 2 vehicles.

That's one of many practical issues that lead me to see EV's as not being the fix many see them as. All the noise is blocking out the more radical, longer term and more beneficial solutions.


Cold and inspiring weather accompanied a lunchtime walk to the Co-Op and the in store chemists. Never understood why it takes so long to dispense a prescription. Need to investigate why the 40p off fruit mobile app voucher did not work.

When the coop still owned pharmacies they had a number that had dispensing robots. I visited one on my patch they are great for high volume prescriptions, cutting down on dispensing errors and stock control. Hospital pharmacies that have fitted them have saved so much staff, ward waiting time and money.
Oh dear, major cock up. Guess who has ordered 240 packets of the wrong cat food.

Felix ordered, not Felix As Good As It Looks. There could be a mutiny.

I did that w/ super glue, last year ago. wanted 2, but ordered 12 somehow ... :wacko:


On the way to an art class yesterday evening. Needed to cross the road, so dutifully used a zebra crossing. Waited a moment and the traffic to my right stopped, nowt coming t'other way so crossed. Well, got about halfway when a black SUV appeared from my left decided that he wasn't going to bother stopping for a mere pedestrian on a zebra crossing and carried on his way, missing me by less than a metre.
'Instinctively I yelled 'Oi tosser - !'. His response was 'F**k orf - !' and underlined his reply with 'the finger'.
Ruddy 'entitled' drivers - ! :wacko:


Legendary Member
I did that w/ super glue, last year ago. wanted 2, but ordered 12 somehow ... :wacko:

That's nothing, the parts manager at 'Bond St SAAB' in Leicester was ordering a replacement rear bumper for a 9-3 convertible (if memory serves but the model doesn't really matter) but these had to be specially ordered from Sweden so when the bodyshop manager was told he said "We ought to keep 1 in stock" so he changed it to 2.
Several weeks later a lorry arrived with 21 rear bumpers.


We've just been given a nice new brown bin as the original had three long splits down the front and one in the lid - ! :okay:

We get charged £25 "delivery charge" for new bins you could collect them for free. But they stop you saying it was unsafe having public around at the depot but seeing it also a MOT centre and public weigh bridge. It's not very credible story. Only way to get a free one is having a crime number. My neighbour watched his bin disappear in the back of bin wagon they still made him pay for a new one.
One of our bins is part of a faulty batch told we have to pay for a new one if we ever need one.
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