Mundane News

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Sounds like better weather elsewhere than I have experienced today; overcast with the odd glimmer and a few spots of rain on the ebikes return from the day in the office. Highlight was this mornings ride in at 8.30. Traffic on the main estate road was virtually absent so the expected use of the cycle path did not take place. A clear road through the traffic lights at the end instead of the normal long tail back.


Another afternoon spent in the lovely weather finishing off the garden.Now the green bin has been emptied I've made a start loading up the garden waste backlog. Hopefully I can clear it all in then 4 collections left for the year. The perennial verbena dieback was worse than it looked a few weeks ago. So more than 1/2 as now been cleared, What's left look pointless and effect of block planting was lost. The day before i'd cleared the long past it dicentra bed. So i've replaced with the best of the verbena I was thinking a new rose border. That now looks a replacement for the much bigger verbena one. The rose order look like it's going to be double luck has it they are offering 15% off.
The rest of the verbena can get moved another day I've a spot they should fit.
Had a lovely luncheon of a sandwich filled with Polish sausage and cheddar, an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

Cut the grass that needed cutting. The garden looks a lot better. I will need to cut the big mulberry back again, and I've a flowering cherry and two plum trees that needs taking out. But I will wait till the leaves have fallen off on the basis that it's less to clear up.

Also picked another couple of kilos of tomatoes. There's till at least that much left on the plants. Not counting the fruit that's still green. And the daft things are still flowering and all. I think I will have to make some more tomato chutney whether I like it or not LOL.

Will be doing some fun things with pastry in a little while.

But first, a :cuppa:
Hand crafted cherry and crunchie. An English chocolate bar. Like trying to explain Hershey's

there's a bowl of these in the other room

November (post Halloween) can't come soon enough!
And speaking of...

Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely and warm still here in the UK. :whistle:

Mind you we do have the 'gulf stream', mind you there is a place on the north west coast of Scotland that has never had a frost in living memory possibly ever, google Inverewe Gardens

I think the “gulf stream” we get is properly the “North Atlantic Drift” which is a branch of the gulf stream which veers west somewhere south of Ireland I seem to remember.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Let out of hospital with some antibiotic pills into the dreadful weather.
Strong winds and pouring rain.
I have never seen Oban so wet before and while it rains a lot usually it seems heavier and more prolonged than I remember.
Still lots of clearing up and some ruined cars have not yet been cleared. Tesco filing station is also still closed and the garage business my son uses for his vehicle repairs etc was flooded to a depth of about four feet.
Hope for better weather soon but cold forecast over the weekend.
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