Mundane News

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Leg End Member
It would certainly need a rethink on how we handle winter, I'm old enough to remember the bad winters of the 1950's and 1960's, we coped and I'm sure we could do it again if we needed to.
Don't think there's many that would/could manage. I mean, it starts snowing and blind panic sets in for most folk these days.

Can you imagine the queue's to get into the shops. The empty shelves afterwards, on the first good day.


All at sea⛵
To be fair it would have helped my ability to undertand the technical parts of German grammar* if I'd been taught about English grammar at some point in school, before we started learning other languages.

Whether it would have helped me learn it much better before emigrating is another matter.

*Which is most of it, because... it's German.

Well I thought it was only me that missed that bit. Assumed it was a day I was not there and everyone else understood.


Legendary Member
The good news is that I have completed the 2 day course with no relevance to my work area so I can continue to do my own job. The even better news is that we ended up on a little vessel in Ipswich to have a look round, not one of the big ones which would have seriously tried my dislike of heights.
The bad news is that I now have to catch up on what I should have been doing over the past two days to get the referrals for counterfeit goods out to all 13(!) brand owners.


Legendary Member
Guess which numpty forgot to take their building pass and office keys in to work this morning? Guess who also only found this out after an extended 14 mile ride in?

My excuse is that the shorts I'm using this week don't have the big rear pockets of my normal Hummvees, so the pass & keys went into the side pocket of my backpack on the way home and just got forgotten about. At least I was early and the weather was good, so a quick (or at least as quick as school run time allows) return trip home was taken and I was still back in time to make a quick cuppa and make the start of the course.


Leg End Member
Guess which numpty forgot to take their building pass and office keys in to work this morning? Guess who also only found this out after an extended 14 mile ride in?

My excuse is that the shorts I'm using this week don't have the big rear pockets of my normal Hummvees, so the pass & keys went into the side pocket of my backpack on the way home and just got forgotten about. At least I was early and the weather was good, so a quick (or at least as quick as school run time allows) return trip home was taken and I was still back in time to make a quick cuppa and make the start of the course.
Couldn't you just have said you didn't want to do the second day?
It'd have saved you all that cycling, for stuff you "forgot to take".
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