Mundane News

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Let out of hospital with some antibiotic pills into the dreadful weather.
Strong winds and pouring rain.
I have never seen Oban so wet before and while it rains a lot usually it seems heavier and more prolonged than I remember.
Still lots of clearing up and some ruined cars have not yet been cleared. Tesco filing station is also still closed and the garage business my son uses for his vehicle repairs etc was flooded to a depth of about four feet.
Hope for better weather soon but cold forecast over the weekend.

Take care @oldwheels. Batten down the hatches and keep warm and dry.
I went to the Men's Shed and stayed to listen to the AGM . It was quite interesting and a few good points were raised which I was a bit concerned about . Just as I thought though listening to the discussion has caused a visit by the fairies . I will need to take things easy now .


Leg End Member
@Moon bunny, you missing anything?
Lovely supper of a homemade tomato, basil pesto & mozzarella tart, with steamed green beans on the side.

Also baked an apple & quince jalousie, which is currently cooling and awaiting its coating of punschglasur.
My six year old granddaughter started to explain irregular verbs to me at the weekend 😮

To be fair it would have helped my ability to undertand the technical parts of German grammar* if I'd been taught about English grammar at some point in school, before we started learning other languages.

Whether it would have helped me learn it much better before emigrating is another matter.

*Which is most of it, because... it's German.
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