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Vice Admiral
It's very subjective like most vaccines generally some effectiveness from a few days after and full immune memory kicks in around week or two. If I remember rightly you did feel unwell after you'd had it. Which tends to be a sign of a good immune response.
Close contact in it's self is not a certainty the risk of transmission very much depends on a number of factors.

Thank you for your reply.

I mention Denmark because I read very recently that Denmark has a surge of cases of the latest variant of Covid. I presume he went on a plane, and guess that might be a way that the varients move round the globe.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Living dangerously as having a third cuppa already.
Beautiful day weather wise


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
They do take up a lot of time in an ideal world they'd be enough staff to special them. Dementia is a complex condition and depends on which form it takes, Altzhiemer's is just one. Some types are more complex than others and less common to many staff. Alcohol-related being one example. I'm not sure what mandatory training is in place in NHS Scotland. Mrs 73 has good working knowledge of all types inc having cared for dementia patients within prisons. Her masters in mental health dissertation was in brain injury acquired dementia.

I think he was put here in emergency as there was nowhere else due to the terrible weather we have just had. The specialist hospital certainly used to be in Lochgilphead tho’ whether that is still the case is unknown to me.
As an outsider I find it pretty stressful but far less than the staff who have to deal directly with him and are currently leading him back to bed yet again. Fortunately he has not so far twigged the pressure pad which alerts the nurses if nobody in the ward at the time.


I think he was put here in emergency as there was nowhere else due to the terrible weather we have just had. The specialist hospital certainly used to be in Lochgilphead tho’ whether that is still the case is unknown to me.
As an outsider I find it pretty stressful but far less than the staff who have to deal directly with him and are currently leading him back to bed yet again. Fortunately he has not so far twigged the pressure pad which alerts the nurses if nobody in the ward at the time.

That sounds possible given the weather and practical living problems your way. He may have a medical need as homes and specialist centres. Are hardly set up for anything past the basics. He could be waiting for a place to come up ie bed blocking which is bad enough here but Scotland's is even worse.
They can be stressful try and find a way to switch off if you can and focus on getting well enough to get home.
It's a lovely, warm sunny autumnal day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well, but am rather tired. I've spent the morning in the kitchen making a batch of apple pie filling for later, using up some damaged Cockett's Red and Barnack Beauty apples to stop them from going to waste. I also lobbed in a quince pear that desperately needed using, which will give the pie filling a nice fragrant almost lemony note. The house smells of apples and spice, and not a posh scented candle in sight!

Plan on doing some grass cutting this afternoon, though I'm limited by the amount of fuel I've left. I don't like going much lower than an inch of fuel in the tank, but I should be able to finish what needs doing the most.

Spent yesterday evening working on my archive. While I was going through one of the boxes of Autosports I picked up cheaply on the 'bay, I came to the conclusion that it would be beneficial to create a second database to keep track of race reports as well, so that I know where the holes are. That should be less of a faff to set up than the photo database, as I already have a detailed spreadsheet full of race results that I've built up over the years.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


All at sea⛵
Lunch outdoors in the sunshine.
But it's 10th October!

I know, but time for an ice cream now


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I think he was put here in emergency as there was nowhere else due to the terrible weather we have just had. The specialist hospital certainly used to be in Lochgilphead tho’ whether that is still the case is unknown to me.
As an outsider I find it pretty stressful but far less than the staff who have to deal directly with him and are currently leading him back to bed yet again. Fortunately he has not so far twigged the pressure pad which alerts the nurses if nobody in the ward at the time.

When my mother, who had dementia, was in hospital with a broken hip, she was in a geriatric general ward. I can't say it was a pleasant place.


Legendary Member
well we had the house heat on for a short while, last night & again this morning ...

Lovely and warm still here in the UK. :whistle:

Mind you we do have the 'gulf stream', mind you there is a place on the north west coast of Scotland that has never had a frost in living memory possibly ever, google Inverewe Gardens
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Lovely and warm still here in the UK. :whistle:

Mind you we do have the 'gulf stream', mind you there is a place on the west coast of Scotland that has never had a frost in living memory possibly ever, google Inverewe Gardens

oh beautiful. our East cost ocean offers moderation from the cold that comes down from Canada. meaning we'll get snow but Cape Cod gets rain. but sometimes there's a coastal blizzard & they get dumped on. being inland from the coast our weather is more predictable. watching my lovely summer palm plant endure until the end of November, when I chop them down & store the tubers until I start them again, indoors, next March
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