Mundane News

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@tom73 - Do you know how long the current covid booster takes to be effective? Yesterday it turns out I was in "close contact" ie not quite one metre, with someone who regularly travels to Denmark.

It's very subjective like most vaccines generally some effectiveness from a few days after and full immune memory kicks in around week or two. If I remember rightly you did feel unwell after you'd had it. Which tends to be a sign of a good immune response.
Close contact in it's self is not a certainty the risk of transmission very much depends on a number of factors.


Legendary Member
Thanks for the good wishes. There are quite a few Irish nurses work here.
Another very important point is that the food is generally very good but somebody needs to learn how to make porridge.
What they serve up for breakfast I would describe as wallpaper paste with no salt or milk. :rolleyes:

Quite a lot of girls from around here went to Scotland to train as nurses over the years, including four from the one family very close to where I grew up.


Legendary Member
I bought a nice, new office chair this evening, heavily discounted. I actually got a further discount as it was the last one in stock and I got the display chair.

The girl at the checkout made some sort of mistake and the till said my change would be €1,066.76 but unfortunately the manager came and fixed it. :angry:

Hopefully it will be better than the current chair which doesn't really support my back properly and the (non-adjustable) arms are two high for me.

Busing the display chair also saves me the bother of having to build it myself:okay:

Unsure what to do with the old one as it is still perfectly usable but the leatherette is a bit tatty. I doubt a charity shop would want it. I'm tempted to advertise it as free for collection but that will probably just attract a load of time wasters sending messages. I still remember the 140 odd messages I got in one evening about the Skoda when I advertised it. I can't be bothered with that.


Legendary Member
Not dead yet but long complicated story.
Currently in Oban Hospital with massive bacterial infection of bloodstream probably caused by infected gall bladder. Even more massive doses of antibiotic intravenously and orally so may get out once infection has cleared.
Roads all blocked and many nurses could not get home so had to stay on site. Floods and landslides of for here unbelievable proportions.
Is the end of the world nigh?
Good to hear you're still with us. Thank you for the update and hope all goes well with the treatment.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
You've brought back horrible memories of maths at school by mentioning LCM!
That went with HCF to flummox my brain 😂
Making lowest common multiples higher than lowest common factors was a particularly deceitful little trick!


Legendary Member
Let me guess...

You knew more about the subject matter in hand than the person teaching the course.

Not so much that as it's a course I took about 10 years ago and hasn't changed in all those years and it STILL has no relevance to what remains of my job. There was one 5 minute segment that was of relevance, but is already covered by the Port's own 'Toolbox training' which I wouldn't get onto the port without passing anyhow - and that has to be done every 3 years and is regularly updated.

Depending on the shipping schedule, we may be going on board THIS tomorrow - the gangplank climb and engine room visit should be interesting as I have a major dislike of 'open' heights

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Not dead yet but long complicated story.
Currently in Oban Hospital with massive bacterial infection of bloodstream probably caused by infected gall bladder. Even more massive doses of antibiotic intravenously and orally so may get out once infection has cleared.
Roads all blocked and many nurses could not get home so had to stay on site. Floods and landslides of for here unbelievable proportions.
Is the end of the world nigh?

Went through that twice from foot infections, had to stay on shots through a semi permanent IV once a day for a month after I got out, as well. Good thing I got sent to the little R.C. hospital with the good food.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Not dead yet but long complicated story.
Currently in Oban Hospital with massive bacterial infection of bloodstream probably caused by infected gall bladder. Even more massive doses of antibiotic intravenously and orally so may get out once infection has cleared.
Roads all blocked and many nurses could not get home so had to stay on site. Floods and landslides of for here unbelievable proportions.
Is the end of the world nigh?

And GWS, @oldwheels
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