Mundane News

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
It gives the the perfect excuse to skive off from my tedious plumbing project.:okay:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Glad to hear you're on the mend and I wish you a speedy recovery.

I did see something about all the flooding in the news this morning but didn't click into the article. The photos looked very bad.

Thanks for the good wishes. There are quite a few Irish nurses work here.
Another very important point is that the food is generally very good but somebody needs to learn how to make porridge.
What they serve up for breakfast I would describe as wallpaper paste with no salt or milk. :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
GWS @oldwheels
We need to get back to our Island Updates as soon as possible! 🤗

Hope to get out in a couple of days but not home for a week after due to the car racing on public roads which are closed from time to time. My car is still at home which is also a problem.
Getting off island was by a large imposing female ambulance driver who more or less bullied her way on to a ferry with skilful driving and some verbals directed at the loading officer.:stop:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Just put my old shoes on as I'll be shredding some blackthorn & I don't want the thorns in my good shoes. I could really do with some shoes with a steel midsole to stop them!

I now have holes in my hands & wrists, however a lot of blackthorn is now in the brown bin.

Trouble is, there's a bit more hedge that needs cutting.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Hope to get out in a couple of days but not home for a week after due to the car racing on public roads which are closed from time to time. My car is still at home which is also a problem.
Getting off island was by a large imposing female ambulance driver who more or less bullied her way on to a ferry with skilful driving and some verbals directed at the loading officer.:stop:

Keep up the missives, we depend on you.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Autumn has been delayed and will be arriving next month

I keep thinking it will soon be time to put the shorts away for the year. But soon still hasn't arrived. It is definitely late.


Not dead yet but long complicated story.
Currently in Oban Hospital with massive bacterial infection of bloodstream probably caused by infected gall bladder. Even more massive doses of antibiotic intravenously and orally so may get out once infection has cleared.
Roads all blocked and many nurses could not get home so had to stay on site. Floods and landslides of for here unbelievable proportions.
Is the end of the world nigh?
Sending best wishes from ear in Leeds i was up in Edinboro Friday Saturday and Sunday and boy was it wet,i do believe no trains ran at all on Saturday due to flooding,wet or not Edinburgh rocks in my umble opinion,i love the place.Get well soon.


I kid you not,our new and much updated Will has arrived.Funny thing this was planned before the cancer diagnosis.Anyway a little repair job today.I love walking stick badges and lapel pin badges.So i bought two belters on Sunday morning.So the stick one was a shield on a plaque background,yes i bet you have guessed bashing the two pins in,the shield fell off.One tiny blob of something holding it on.Well two massive dollops of glue one on each surface has stuck it back on now.It looks very nice right at the top of the stick.The space was made for it, its a perfect position i love Edinburgh my daughter spent four wonderful happy years at Uni there.Postman is very happy.
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Sending best wishes from ear in Leeds i was up in Edinboro Friday Saturday and Sunday and boy was it wet,i do believe no trains ran at all on Saturday due to flooding,wet or not Edinburgh rocks in my umble opinion,i love the place.Get well soon.

We make a pilgrimage to Cloisters bar on every visit. A wonderful " proper pub " and some excellent ales.
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