Mundane News

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Leg End Member
What's the chances of three seperate electronic clocks(watch, phone and tablet) losing 32 minutes and 27 seconds overnight?

Just had to spend a few minutes resetting all three, leaving me half an hour in front of where I thought I was.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
GWS @oldwheels . I guess you’re drinking pints of antibiotics now?

Litres, and they started about 0530 this morning and with intervals for food and oral antibiotics it goes on till about 2200 till I get some kip only interrupted when an altzheimers patient makes a bid for freedom if the nurses are busy but have to get him back in bed.:ohmy:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Thanks to all who expressed good wishes and I am I think off intravenous and now only oral antibiotics but more blood has been taken for analysis.
Any bets on black pudding on the menu tomorrow?
Just been entertained by a pair of raucous and entertaining cleaners who could make a living on the stage.
These lowly jobs are often the only non medical contact for patients so they do much more than just clean and are a good moral builder if the right kind. Their impression of doctors cannot be repeated.


Aldi challenged on the price of oranges. 30p knocked off. Slightly fortunate in that it was the last bag of 5 and actually okay; the last bag can be a bit not too good. Someone had obviously not checked theirs as there was one loose orange. Also got 60p back for others purchased.
Walked back home to find postie had turned up rather late in the day and delivered two more now maybe not immediately needed SD cards; still no sign of the storage case which was due two weeks ago.


Thanks to all who expressed good wishes and I am I think off intravenous and now only oral antibiotics but more blood has been taken for analysis.
Any bets on black pudding on the menu tomorrow?
Just been entertained by a pair of raucous and entertaining cleaners who could make a living on the stage.
These lowly jobs are often the only non medical contact for patients so they do much more than just clean and are a good moral builder if the right kind. Their impression of doctors cannot be repeated.

Tends to be clinical best practice now after clinical studies found that IV antibiotics. Are only effective for 48 hours after that oral is just as effective.
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It's been a lovely warm and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept well after seriously overdosing on motor racing, football and rugby yesterday. And working on my archive in between. When I say working on my archive, that translates into surfing through several thousand photos in three motor racing groups plus whatever Mr Google turned up in a bid to pin a date, circuit and photographer onto a photo that has been driving me nuts for a few days. I stupidly forgot to take notes when I originally found it, and now I can't find it at all.

Fortunately, I used the old "phone a friend" hack, and he identified the circuit as Oulton Park. That also nails the date, as F3 only raced at the circuit the once that year. The other driver in the photo is class B runner Scott Stringfellow.

A corollary of this is that the search carried out using Mr Google threw up three more photos from 1989 that were new to me.

Anyways, this morning I did some more tidying up in the garage, and the trailer is now in its new parking spot at the front, meaning it'll be SO much easier to haul firewood than with a wheelbarrow. Took advantage of the warm afternoon by cutting the grass around the house. I have another bit left to do at the front (which makes stuff look neat and tidy), but that's for tomorrow. I just about have enough fuel in the tank to do that, but will pick up some more on Wednesday when I pootle off to Tesco for a few groceries.

The cat has been fed, and soon it will be time to feed me.
Mend quickly @oldwheels :hugs:

All the very best from all of us girls here chez Casa Reynard xxx


Legendary Member
Thanks to all who expressed good wishes and I am I think off intravenous and now only oral antibiotics but more blood has been taken for analysis.
Any bets on black pudding on the menu tomorrow?
Just been entertained by a pair of raucous and entertaining cleaners who could make a living on the stage.
These lowly jobs are often the only non medical contact for patients so they do much more than just clean and are a good moral builder if the right kind. Their impression of doctors cannot be repeated.

In my case it was a nursing auxiliary, a young Lithuanian girl who worked harder than any of the 'nurses' she told me a few doctor jokes but the best was

What's the difference between a Consultant Surgeon and God
God doesn't think he's a Consultant Surgeon

So I told her one of my favourites.
Doctor: "well mr Smith I've got some good news and some bad news"
Patient: "Well tell me the bad news first"
Doctor: "Well we had to amputate both of your legs I'm afraid, so sorry"
Patient: "Oh I see.............. so what's the good news"
Doctor: "The fella in the next bed wants to buy your slippers"
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