Mundane News

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Leg End Member
'Mundane', yes, but 'news'?
Im surprised he's admitting to it.


Legendary Member
The non-recycling bin's been put out in its normal place ready for emptying tomorrow morning - hopefully the very little that needs disposing of is covering one of the bags of grass clippings from a week or so ago ( I've had no cause to use the car so not taken them to the recycling centre). This creates a problem as I forgot that I've had to swap my non-working days round to attend a (pointless) work course and so have to go in to work tomorrow and will need to move the bin out of the way on my way out and then put it back again.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Watching goggle box for the first time i am so glad i have not watched it before utterly rubbish TV
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