Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way

That really gave me a back to school moment!


Damp dreary morning following a spell of rain greeted a walk to the Co-Op with limited distance visibility. Opened a fridge door and then found it would not close properly so reported it to a nearby staff member stocking the shelves. The end of the return walk was accompanied by the sun trying to break through the cloud but it may be a futile attempt.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
What a mild day, could have been summer. Just over a couple of hours pleasant riding this morning.


Legendary Member
What a lovely day - sunshine, warmth & light winds, so I extended the coffee purchasing trip out to a 35 mile, 2 and a bit hour ride. The North Sea at Felixstowe was flat calm and the seafront was already busy by late morning with traffic queueing back to the A14 so it looks like the traders are in for a late summer boost.

I don't know if there was some form of event going on, or if it was just classic car owners taking advantage of the good weather to get their cars out, but at various points during today's ride I saw a 60's Ford Zodiac, V12 Jaguar E-type soft top, Trabant, a couple of MGBs, Frogeye Sprite, series 1 Alfa Spider and an 80's BMW 635CSI (which is one of my favourite cars).
Plus a convoy of 5 Sinclair C5s!
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